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An Act for the better government of the town of Elizabeth City, in the county of Pasquotank and for other purposes. 1830-1831 72 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0129 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OLF NORTH CAROLiI4A.
Macon, and he is hereby directed, to pay over any monies he may now la'yi;
or hereafter may collect as county tax fordefraying the expenses (if building
a court house and jail in said county, into the hands of David Coleman and
Benjamin S. Brittain. contractors for making said buildings, or to theis legal
representatives; which payment as aforesaid shall be made in proportion td
their respective claips, and under the instruction of the countisioneis for
public buildings, or a majorily of them
II. qnd be it fiutiher enacted, That the receipt or receipts of the contrac-
tors aforesaid, or their legal representatives, shall be a uflicient voucher for
the sheriff in his settlemhent of public accounts.
Ill. .nd bc it fierther enacted, That all monies collected and paid over
under the provisions of this act, shall be paid in the same time thait is now-
prescribed by law fi)t sheriffs to tettle vith their respective counties.
An net to aniend the list ai.I fourth seutions ofiin act, iassCd at the last session of the General
Asscmobly, cntitled  an ant to ituthorise the Cdurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the coun-
ty ofFranklin to appoint wardens of the poor, m11u to build u poor and work house, and tor
other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General Asscmbly of the State of Ndrth Carolina,
aInd it is hereby enucted by the authority of the same, That the next ternm
of the Court of Pleas anti Quarter Sessions of the county of Fir-.nklin which
shall happen after the first Monday in February next, and annuilly theref-
tIer, the justices ofsaid county, a majority being present, shall appoint live
lit and proper' persons wardens of the poor for said rourity, who shall be
frceholders; atid they shall have the same power and authority, and be sub-
*ect to the same duties and penalties, as are now prescribed by law.
I. Be it further enacted, That itshall be the duty of the warders of the
poor annually, at the term of the court which they are to be appointed on-
ter this act, to make a report to the court, exhibiting an account of all tax-
es anti nonies of every description received for the support ot the poor' the
preceding year, and a full and detailed statement of the expenises of the poor
for the same time; a copy of which they shallcaise to tc set up in some con-
venient place in the court room.
Ill. And beit fj rther enacted, That the first and fourth sestions of the act
of one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, be, and the same are hereby
repealed.                           -
At act foi- the bLt'e goveraceuut of the town of Elizabeth City, in the county of I'asquotank,
und for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General ./1ssemblh; of the State of North Carolind.
acnd it is hereby enacted by the aIt hority of' the same, That from inid after
the passing of this act, the town of Eimbeth City sha;ll be governed by hree
commissioncrs and a magistrate of police, who shall he chosen annually on
the last Saturday in December, by the free white male inhabiiants of said
town, above the age of twenty one years, who have been resident thereof for
one year next preceding the day on which they offer to vote at such rieltion,
and who have paid all their town taxes, assesumients and dues up to the time
of such election: Provided, that the first election of commismiotnerts and ma-
tratte of police, under this act, shall take place on the second Saturday inl
January, otie thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, after two days' notice
having been given by public advertisement.

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