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An Act concerning the appointment and power of patrols in the county of Robeson. 1825 46 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0090 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NOIT1 CAROLINA.

der the certificate of the judges appointed to hold said election, the said Court
shall proceed to qualiiy such person so returned, to act as a constable for Ie
then succeeding year, ie or they first giving bond with good and sullicienit se-
curity as by law required.
111. 1.c it furiker enacted, That tie several 'captains of' companies
with in said countv, shall, at their first Inuster which shall happen after the
first day of Jlanuary in each and every year, apipoint tNo discreet and
suitable persons to hol said elections; ad every person residi ng witlin tihe
hounds of' said company, who is qualifed and eniit led to vote for mi eibels of
ilhe House of Commons il te State Legislature, shall be entitled to vote in
all suC leions; and the person receiving the greatest number of votes shall
be considered as duly elected, and shall he remnined, nunder the certilicate of
tie said judges, to the first Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions which shall
happen after said election.
An nct concerning the appointient and power opat'rolq in the countv of Itobeson.
Be it enacted by the Genrral.'ssenbly ofthe State of North-L'aro/ina, and it
is liereby enaceld by the nuthority of thi srame, That ench captain iot militia in
the county of Rzobe ,oi sh all alppoiit twice a year any ninuber of discreet per
sons, not exceeding six, to act as patrols for te space of' not inore than six
monthis; and, as a comnpe nsa tion for their services, they sliall ie exempt froi
workinitg on tle public h igh ways and froin mustering during their time of their
appointment; and the captIin shall cause the patrols to be notilied of their ap.
poinmut in wtin Crg, sttsci  wit I his proper signiture, which service
shall empower the patrols to perform the duties herein reqir ed.
i. le it further cnacted, That it shall be their dutily to go on patrol
in their respective districts, at least once a fortniigit; and the patrols in each
district, or a majority of thmin, shall have power to inflict a punishment, not
excecding fifteen lashes, oni all slaves they may find ofl their owners' plania-
tion, either on the Sabbath or other unseasonable time, without a proper per-
mit or pass.
Ill. He it further enacted, That it' tle captain shall neglect ton make
tle appointment as by this act directed, lie shall forfeit and piay the sum of
ten dollars, to be recovered by warrant before any justice of' the peace, in
the name of the county trustee, for the use of the county, by any personl si-
ing for the same; and il any one of tie patrols shall ii egl ect to perform tie duty
required in the second section of' this act, he shall forfit and pay the sum of
live dollars, to be recoverd and appropriated in like manner; and the said
patrols are further required to perform all other duties not herein already spe-
cified, which are required of patrols under tle general laws of the State.
An act compelling the itegister of' howan county to keep his office in tie court house of
said county.
Be it enacted by the General ./1ssembly cf the State of North- Carolina, and it
is hercby enacted by the authori y of the same, That fro  and after the passage
of this act, it shall be the dut of the Register of Rowan county to keep all tle
books and papers in his orice in the room  provided for that >urpose in the
court house of said county; and that on failure thereof, ie shall be subject to a
penalty of ten pounds for every nonth ie neglects the provisions of this act, to
he recovered in the name of the chairman of the County Pourt of Rowani


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