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An Act to amend the several acts heretofore in force, for the appointment of Commissioners for the town of Warrenton, and for other purposes. 1825 37 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0088 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.


provisions of this act, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay for each and every
neglect in so doing the sunt of twenty dollars, to be recovered before any juris.-
diction havintig cogri.antce thereof.
I.nd be it further enacted, hiat if any slave shall violate the provisions
of this act, and being lawfully convicted thereef, shall receive oni his or her
bare back not less than towenty lashes, and his or her muster or mistress, or
tleir guardian, shall pay the costs of such proisecution.
An act to amend the several acts heretofore in force, for the appoilitnilit of Couimissio:-
ers for the town of Warrenton, ani for otier pirposes.
He it enacted by the Gencral.ssembly of the State 4 North- Carolina, ald it
is hereby enacted by the atihority of the sane, Iat whenever the i'niabitants ot'
Warrenton shall fail to elect, under tll- proviilons of the existing laws, con-
missioners for said town so that it shall be iiiimade to alppear satisfactory to tho
County Court of the county of varren that counissioners have not been e-
iected fror tle space of three months from tile first dlay of January in cach and
every year, or that the streets, or any of the streets, are during the samc space
of time out of order, that then and in that case, the said County Court of WVar-
ren shall le, and are lerehy authorised and required to ap oint an overseer or
overseers of the streets of 'Warrenton, and a pportion the hlands that may be-
long to said town, which, by the general road laws of the State, are liable to
work on roads; and the said overseer or overseers ar heit-by required, with
the said hands so liable as afoi esaid to work on roads, to keep the streets of
said town in good repair, under like pains and penalties, boih as to overseser
and hands, as are now prescribed against overseers of roads and hands requir-
ed to work onl roads generally: Providd, the overseer or oversvers, as the case.
may be, shall not require tie hatids to work inore than ten davs in any one
II. Ind be it furthcr enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after
the passing thereof; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
An act to authoCise the County Courts of Stokes and :ates to appoint a committee of
Be it enacted by the General./1ssenbtly of the S/ate of North- Carolina, and it
is hereby enacted by the authorily of the samne, That it shall be the duty of the
justices of the peace for the cou nties of Stokes and Gates, if they dieema it ex-
pedient, at the first Court which shall be holden for said counties after the first
(lay of March next, and annual ly thereafter, a majority of the justices being
present, to appoint three persons ofskill and probity to act as a committee of
inance, whose duty it shall be to examine all the records, papers antd docu-
ments in the ollices of the clerks of the Superior and County Courts, clerk
and master in Equity, sherifs, county trustee, amd all oficers or commission -
ers, who have heretolore hld money belonging to the counties aloresaid; and
the said committee are hereby authorised anid empowered to call oin each and
every of the officers and commissioners aforesaid to lay before them the re
cords, docuimelts and papers respectively as aforesaid for their inspection.
II. And be itfurther enacted, I'hat it shall be the duty of the sail comlit -
tee of Finance to make a fll investigation of all the financial concerns of
the said counties from the beginning of Ilie year one thousand eigdit hundreit
and tventy two, tip to the ond of the present year, and to the end of each sne -

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