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An Act for the better regulation of the town of Beaufort. 1825 30 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0086 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.

the said counties; which Cout ts are hereby authorised to otder the Conity
Trustee to pay their respective portions ofsaid e.pensc, including a rieasona*
ble compensa tion to tite maid Commissioners for their troubic  and loss of time.
IV. Be itfurther enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws, coming within
thbe meaning and purview of this act, be, and they are hereby repealed.
An act for the better rcgulation of the town of Ieaufort.
1ie it enacted bY the General .48scinbly of the State of North- Carolina, and it
is hereby cnaceld by he authorily of 1/ same, That an election shall be field
in the town of' leanfort, on the first M on da3 in May, and annually titereafter
on the first Monday in May, to elect live freeholders in said town, residenits
of said town, to act as conunissioners thereof for the term of one year.
11. Aid be itfarther enacted, That it abuall be the duty of the iheriflor the
county of Carteret to advertise the tiie of' holding the election fmr comintis-
,iotices ten days previous thereto; and the she riff siall sumillton two flel 0 hold-
ers, residents of the town, who, together with himself or his deputy, siall hold
the poll at the court house in said town, and shall kClp the poll open from
twelve o'clock until sundown; and it shall be the duty of the shertif to serve
'the commissioners clecica with a notice of their election, within five days af-
ter the day of election; and in failure of any of the abovementioned duties en-
joined on the sheriff, lie shall, oil conviction before any court having compe-
tent juriidiction, forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars; and each
freeholer refusing or neglectinr to assist the sherifI' in htohling the poll, shall
hie subject to a penalty of live dollars, to be recovered in like manner; and
the peIalties, when collected, shall Le paid into the hands of the treasurer of
le town, to be applied, under the dit ection of' the commissioners, for the imi-
provement (f the town.
Ill. And be it farther enacted, That the commissioners so elected shall,
within twenty days after the election, meet at the court house, and be qualill-
ed belre a magistrate. Any person who shall, after being duly elected and
noticed by the sheriff, refise to qualify and serve as comnnissioner, shall f'or-
feit and pay a penalty of twenty-live dollars, to be recovered and applied in
tile manner aforesaiul.
IV. and be itfirther enacted, That the comitissioners of saiid town,at their
first neeting, and at the first mleeting after their annual election, shall appoint
some one of their body to act its Initendant of Police it said town until the
succeeding electionl, whose duty it shall be to see the ordinances duly and faith-
fully executed, and lie is hereby authorised to issue his warrant, directed to
the slieriff ora constable of Carteret county, to bring the olfeiders wrainst the
rules, regulations, and ordinances of said town before lihim; and,  on tm'ir con-
viction, which sla.l be in the manner of trials before justices of the peace,
the said intendant is hereby authorised to give judgment aid execution, agrreea-
bly to the laws established for the improvement and government of said town.
.V. And be it further enacted, That the said cotnimissioners shall not, for any
one breach of their ordinance, have power to levy a greater penalty than ten
dollars; and all lines levied and collected under their authority shall be for
the use of said town.
- Vt. .1'nd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said con-
znisioners, after they have been qualified, shall proceed to choose one out of
their number to be treasurer of said town for that year, into whose hands all


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