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An Act to amend an act, entitled an act to amend an act, entitled an act to prevent the stealing of Slaves, or by violence, seduction, or any other means 1825 13 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0082 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NOTIil CAROLINA.

Au act concerning the settlement of Gardians appointed by the Superior
Be it enacted by the General .1ssembly of the Sate of North/ -
rol'ut, and it is hereby enacted by the authority f the same, That it ( lerks of tie
shall bi the dlttiy of the ClerkN if tle Superior Court; of Law wilh- siip'r Coirs
in tlis State to renil'r to th- Clerks of the Counly Comrts, at the ito rendiir' to
fir-st Comrt which shall be holden inl (fech andiI every COIty after til aiks of'
teCo ltv
the first day of 3 inuar ,', onte thousand eight liundreI  and twenty- Cmtls fisists
sevent, a list o1f the nlaimle, setting lorth Illerin the times of ap- the namies ul
poilitanent, of nil personls, who shallI have biven appointed guar-dianlStanqi~cu-ml
by the Sinerior Court, of which he is Clerk, and who shal not guardiais.
have miade a final settlement with his or iher ward; and the said
Clerks of fite Superior Courts Ahall inuaiy thierealter rendl.r to
tie( Clerks of the County Courts a lit of the names anod tines of'
annin otent if all persons who shall have heen appoitited guardi-
ans hi' the said Superior ConcIs for the .ear preceditr.
lt. .'lndbe it further enerfrdby the auithomily afhresaid, That it leiksorthe
sh-ll b  l the duty of te Ceks of theI iot iY Courts to issuie niotice, C'iy o ms
in tniture of sci'e facia-A, a:iinist all nanltdi~ans appoitited bN anly of to issue ne-
tiht- Sipirior Cortts, whoiii shall fail to appear and ettile their res. ces :gaiist
pective accounts ir reiew their hmitls, under the rul's, rewiltationii 'ehniqiil'nt
ai rvtirictions as are nfit%w prescribed by Itw for issuing nlai tic es g u'diai
against delinquent gtardians.
At act to amend an nwtt, entitted  an act to amend an act, entitIJ ' at
act to prevent the sitaling of laves, oi' iiy vileince, 'ductioo, or ani
otter neans, taking or cari I ig away aniy Slave or slavcs, tie property o
another, and for other purposes therei' Mentioned, passed in the year
one thousaind seven huniidredi d  nil iiety-two.
Hp it enated by /the Gm'eral *Aissembly of the Sta'e of Vorth- Ca-  ,asters or
'olina, and it is hereby cnacted by the autlwrity o(f the same, That vesSels, c.
from  and after the passiti of this act, if any' *;lmster of, any ship vho shall
or' vessel, mtarinier, ort any other person o' personts, trading or be- carr awAV,
inz within this State, shall carry, con'vel, or Cionceal oni board of'ii conceal
any ship or vessel, any negro, a1 mulatto slav of' slaves, ther   it it of
pe ty of any  citi'zen or  ttizens of this State, without the nabling
consent in writing of the owner or ownetrs, his, her or their Guat'- thn to e'-
dian or Guardians, il'souch slave or slaves previously obtined; or feet the ir es.
shall take and receive otn bo ard of it anv such vessel or ship, tiny (:ipe, to suat
such slave ot' slaves, or permit ort sullt'r tOhi' samtoe to be done, wi thr death
the intent and for tw purpose of carrying and conveying such %itiout be.
slave or slaves out of this State, or shall wit kedly andwillinlogly g
conceal, or' permit to ibe concea led on honrd of any such ship ot'
vessel, anv nearo or mulatto slave or slaves, who shall, or may
heralfter abscond from his, her. ort their mas'er ori mistress, be-
ing citizens of this State, with the intent and for the purpose of'
enabling such slave or slaves to ell'ect his, her ort their escape oit
of this State, every sich tmaster, tmtt'inter, or other pi'rsn or petr-
sons, on board of anv such ship or vessel, so carrYing ot' convev-


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