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An Act to amend the fourth section of an act. 1823 52 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0071 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORrH-CAROLINA.

cient to act) whose duty it shall be to proceed without delay to stake
offrantes ,creeik, in, said county, leaving one-third of the main
clanlnel fir. tle frete passage of fish up the same; and when it is staked
out by the commissioner s, n person in iawling for fishi, shiall extend
th' ir'iines beyond tit bound,; resev'd for the free passage of fish as
aforesaid. or otlerwise. o)st irt tle saie, Iiunder' the penalty of one
hnndred dolihrs, to bie recovered bwetiov any jurisliction having cog-
1irylance thereof'; and the mum go recovered, shall be solely applied to
the use of the peron suig for. tile same. 
II. And be it further enacted, Ihat tihe cnty court of Bcau fort,
at atnv term. be. and is hbireby directed to appoint commissioners to
fill vicanc5ies that Imay lappen ly deatl. resignation, orI refusal to act.
Ill. Aind be it further enacted. Tiat anno passed in the year eight-
cei huindred anidtwenly-one, to prI'e ent obstrictions to the passaige
of fib up .Tranter's creek. he, and the same is hireby repealed and
made void ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwishstanding.
An Act to anmend the fourth section af an ac, passed at the last Gencral Assembly,
supplemental to av art passed at the pr:esent General Assembly, entitled ' An
act for the division of' Rowan county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of theState of .Mbrth-Caro-
Him, and it is hereb hy enacted bl the authnity if the same, That a ma-
jouily of'l hjustices of' the colmity court of Davidson, shall have power
to lay n tax of, not less than tx% vinty-fi % ec Ien 1ti, nor move t ithn seventy-
fite vents on eachi and eveiy Ilack and wiite poll ; and of* not less
tian eight, nor mliore thanm twele centls ol eVer hlitndred dollars va-
lie of loids iid lots inl thei' said county ; to bev appropriated to the
Crection of, a couri't-III)se itand Jail fIr said county, and other public
uses.   And the tax so laid, shal be collected and accounted fCw by
the sherpill'of siid (u Itbity, under the sine ules and reguilations as
sierliflh a're suLeut to iII the collectioins 08 pulblic taxes.
11. le it further eincted. TIhat this act shiall be il foce from and
after' the passing 1hereof.
An Act to authorise and direct the Slieri of Davidson County to pay over the taxes
collected for the Public Buildings, to the Conunssione s of Public Inildings in said
Be it enacted by' the General  ssembly of the State of JN'rth-Caro-
lina, and it is herebU enacted by the authority ofX4he same, That tie
sheriff of O Dat idsn 'couty is hereby requir'd and directed to Iay
o er to the comIissiontervs of the piubli' btiildings in said couilly. all
m11onlies wiichl now mre. or1 imay hereafteri- come into his hiands. de-
signedil for def'rayng the exieices of saio pubic buildings. in fhe
sant, Ilo'ner as sherlifthl a mm no  'equiiird by Iaw to account li atid
Satle with tresi els of1 public buiildings ; and (lhe leceipt of' tie
said corniunisoners shall be as good and availabilt to ilih sa1id shcriff,
as the receiit of the treasurer of public buildings could be.

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