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An Act to quiet the title of persons in possession of Slaves. 1820 24 (1820)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0047 and id is 1 raw text is: V ,LiWS,_OF NOIftTILCAI OL[NA..
A.V.ito OAP.  .0
AicIitiifog (ic thne within which Judgments bcore a listie of 'ePeacer
may he revived. 
1 IVetVenictet by the General Assembly of 'h e State of
ioil yarolfua, and it is hereby eitacted bil -the atlit  ofIe
S years  samd, ,That hereafter n1o action, suit, Scire tahid oi ither.pr-
,drn the cess; to revive or inforce a j udgmentobtained be forda jsticif
juhdIL   the peace, shall bb commenced brought or sued oudt bti jwith
in three years frokit tht date of sichjudgn6ent, or from te dath
ofthe.last executioniAwfully issuing on the. same; but every
such action, suit, Scire facias or other process commencid,
brought or sued out, after the expiration of the time aforesaid,
shall be iind is hereby declared.to be void and away be abated pn
the plea of the defend'ant; 'any law; usage or custom to the
contrary notwithstanding.
CHAP. 2o.
An Act compensating the ConmisGsioners appointed by virlue of an act of the
Genera Assenibly, passed in the yearone thousanul eight hundred andlnitie.
teen, for surveyiu'g and selling the publi lands adjoining the City ofltidelgh.
T3 ier day  1. Be it enact-d by the General Jssemblqof the State ofNortt4.
allowed.  Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authbrity of the sainc,
That each and every one of the Conmmissioners mientioned in
the before recitcd act shall lie-entitled to, and receive  thiee
dollars per day, for each and every day they were engaged,
hibout surveying and selling the lots of land mentioned-in 'said
act, aud the same for travelling to and from the City of lialeighi
to be paid upon warrant of the Governor upon the Treasurer,
who shall be allowed the same in the settlemcent -of his public
CHAP. St..
An Act to quict the title of persons in possessioh of Slaves,
1. Be it enacted by the Gwencral .1ssemblU of the Stateof Aorth-
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sane,
That whenever any per son or persons shall remain in ihe posseu-
sinof a slave or slavel until such p'osscssion is protected by the
Statute of Limitations ; the person or persons so in possession
and those claiming under.tliem, shall bideemed and held ( have
a gotut and absolute title to such slave or slaves againstait pers6ns
whose claii is barrol by said Statute of Limitations: Pirovided,
That nothing herein coritained shall in any way affect. the law
now in force, that requires all gifts oislatves to be bydeeds ofjift.

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