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An Act to emancipate certain persons therein mentioned. 1812 25 (1812)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0027 and id is 1 raw text is: shall iot be constitted to effltit the claim of any crelitor of thesaid James Allei, if the personal estate ofsad Ailen I81
should !e insuffiticit to discharge the demands which are agaitst it; and Provided further, that this act shall not
take effect until bond with good and sidflcitot security to be jud ed of, and approved by the Jtistces of the Court of
Pleas and Qdiarter Sessions of the County of New-Hanover, and payable to the Chairman therecof, be entered into,
conditiotned that neither of the persons liberated by this act shall ever become, burdensome to the Parish in any
County in this State; which bond may be 'put in suit without assignment by any Parish damnified by the breach
An Act to emaneipate certain personsrilherein mentioned.
,BE it enacted b theGeneral Assembhy ofthe State ofNotho-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority qf iesame, Thatthrce negro slaves by the riames of Hannah, Peggy and Sally, the property of Jacob Spell-
man of the County of Currituh, be, and they are hereby emancipated and set free, by the names of Hannah Spell.
ma:', Peggy Spellman, and Sally-Spellman; aid the said persois are hereby invested with all the rights which free
persons of colour are caipable of enjoying by law; Provided, That belore this act shall be of any force or effect,
bond shall be entered into, in such sun and with such security as shall be approved by the justices of the County
Court of Currituck, and pyable to the Chairman thereof, and his successors, conditioned, that neither of the per-
sons hereby eman'dipated, shall ever become burdeihsone to the Parish in aniy County of this State; which bond
n My be put in stit without assignment, as often as any County in this 'tate may be damnified by breach of the con-
dition thereof.
An Act to prevent any person or persons from working Seins, skinming with Nets, or setting Nets in Great Contentnea Creek,
on Sundays, or Suniday nights in every week from the fifteenth ofJanuary to the twenty fifth of March in each and every year.
WHEREAS the working Seis and Nets every day and night in Great Cotentnea Creek, is not prohibited by
law, and the inhabitants on the upper part of said Cieck are thereby deprived of a great number of Fish that they
would otherwise proqure ; Therefore,
BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North- Carolina. and it is hereby enactedby the
athority of the same, TIhat in future, no person or persons shall work a Sein or Net, or set a Net in Great Cotent-
nea Creek froin the fifteenth <;y of kJnuary, to the twenty-fifth day of March, on Sundays on Sunday nightsinclu-
sive, in each and every ytar uider the following penalties, that is to say :-That any person who shall be found
working a Sein on those days or nights, contiary to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall for pach and every
offence, on conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of thirty pounds, f-r workingor setting a Net, on conviction thereof,
tle sum of ten pounds, to be recovered before any ccimpetent jurisdicti6ii, to the sole use of any persion who may
prosecute tor the same, together with the forfeiture of any Net that may be found working or setting, contrary to
thetrud intent'and meaning f this act, to any person who may make due proof of the same.
II. A)nd beit-further enarmed, That if ay slave or slaves shall be convicted befor6 any Justice of the Pdace, of
having violated this act, he, she or they sh ll rcceive thirty lashes on his, her or their bare backs, and the master or
owiters shall be subject to pay the costs of prosecution and whipping said slave.
An Act to prevent any person from obstructing the passage of Fish, up Arranuse and Saw-mill Creeks, in Camden County.
BE it enacted by the General Asenbly of the State of North-Caroliia, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the ame, That henceforward, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, to set a Net or Nets, iet
h edge, or use any machine, devise or engine whatsoever in the mouth of Arranuse anti Saw-mill Creeks, or in
any part of said Creeks, which will prevent the passage of Fish up the said Crekis (Warel and Dip-nets excepted)
from the tenth day of March, until'the tenth clay gi lay ineach and every year.
R   dnd b it firther enacted, That each and every person who bhall violatq the true intent and meaning of this
at, shiall ffdeit and pay the sum of five pounds for each and every offenc, to be recovered by a warrant before any
Justice of the Peace, one half tobe applied to the'use of the county, and the other half to the-use of the pet son su-
ing for the sane
III. .ndeitfurther enacted, That any slave shall, upon conviction of violating this act, receive any number of
lashes, not exceeding thirty-nine, on his or I'cr !11e back,and the owner of such slave shall pay the costs of the trial.
An Act to incorporate Concord Lodge, No 5a, in the town of'Tarborough.
BE it enacted by the General Assembly of tbe State ofNorth-Carolina. and it is hereby enacted by the
autofiity of the same, That the Offliers and Members who at present are, or in future may be ofCoicord Lodge,
No 58, Tarboiough, are heebyenstituted and declared tolie a body politic and corporate, underthe nape and ti-
tle of Concord Lodge, No 58, antid liy such name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and may su.
and be sued, plead and be imple4ded, acquire aid transfer property, and pass such laws, rules and regulations for*
their government, as shall notbe inconsistent with the laws or constitution of this State or of the United States.
An Act to incorporate Orange L.dge, No 47, a  the County of Lincoln.
BE it enacted b#'tlje General Assembly of the State of Norfth-Carolina, and it is here3y ehactedby the
atho'ity ofthe same; That the Master, Wardlens, and Brethren of Orange Lodge,' No, (47,) forty seven, of the
County plLincoln, which are now or hereafter may be appointed, be, and they are hereby constituted and declared
to be a body corpornate, under the name and title of  The Master, Wardens and Brethren of Orange Lodge, Num-
ber Forty Seven ; and by sto name shall have perpetual succession; and as such, may sue and be sued, plead and
he iinpleaded, acquire rd tinsf r property, and pass all such byi laws, rules ind regulations as shall be necessary
for the government t
An Act to iidrporate King Solono Lodge, No. 56, in Sinithville,NorthaiptonCounty.
BE it enactedby the Gnal Assiembly of the State of NorthAarolipa, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, That the WVorsipfui Master, IWardens and Members, who are at present, or hereafter may
be, of King Solomon Lodge, No. 56, in Siithville, in tihe County of Northampton, be, and they are hereby coisti-
tuted and declared to beli body corporate and politic, under the mime of King Solomon Lodge, No. 56, Smithville,
Northampton County ; and by such name shall have per petual successionacominon scal and imay sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded,  lune and trais[r property, -nd pt s till such bye laws apd regulations for their own go-
vemmnent, as shall notbe mconsistent ith the laws and constitution of this State, ofoI the United States.
1hitended for aflect.-Pvinier.

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