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An Act to emancipate James, a man of colour of the county of Lenoir. 1811 38 (1811)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0021 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH-CAROLINA.

IJ. And be itfurtier enacted, That the said Boson and Penny be hereafter know d by the name of Boson Hill and
Penny Hill.
J11. And be it further enacted, That this act shall not be in force until the said Willhm Williams shall have 'e.
tered into bond with sufficient security, to the Chairman of Bertic county court, in the sum of two hundred and fifty
pounds, conditioned that the said Negroes nor either of them, shall become chargeable to the county of Bleie, or
any county in the State.
An Act to emancipate James, a man of colour of thecounty of Lenoir.
IE it enacted by he General Assemblhj of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, That James, a man of colour of the county of Lenoir, and the property of Richard V. Caswell, late of
this State and now of the State of Tennessee, be, and the said James is herchy emancipated and set free, anti made
capable of taking, holding nand disposing of property, and of enjoying all such privileges as personsofcolour born
free in this State, do enjoy; and the said James shail hereafter be known by the nane of James Charlton-Provided
alwaya, That this act shall not operate so as to defeat the rights of any person or persons to .the property in said
James, except the rightof the said Richard AV. Caswell, and suchpcrsons as may claim by, though, from or under
11. An'be it.further enacted rhat-nothing-in this act contained, shall be-so-construed as'to authorise the eman-
cipationof the said Negro man James, until Francis Kilpatrick and James BrigIt, or one.of them, shall have enter-
ed into bond in the sum of two hundred and fifty paunds, with good and sufficient security, made :payableto the
Chairman of the County Court of Lenoir alid his succe ssorsin office, that the said James shall never become a charge
to any of the counties in this State, and making themselves responsible fe his good behaviour.
An Act to emancipate a Negro called Silvia.
BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of NborthCarolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the sane, That a certain Negro girl named Silvia, belonging to the estate of Abraham Bass, late of the county of
Nash, be, and she is hereby .mancip.ted and made capAble of taking, holding and possessing proparty of every kind,
and of enjoying all suchi privileges as all othei frec persons of coliur.
II .nd be itfurther enacted, That the above named girl shall b, known and called by the name of Silvia Spears:
Provided aboays, That this act shall not uffect.the riglht which any person or pcrsons inty have to the servic~e of and
property in said girl Si0via, except such person or persons as may clain by, froi ,rtirough the said Auraham Bass.
IIl. And be itjurther enacted, That nothing in this act coit ined shall be constru<.d so to authorise the cmanctipa.
tini of the said girl Sivia, 'uttil Thomi-s Hamilton shall hive entercd into hond with suflil ient security, in the sunt
of two hundied and lify p: ui,' s, mnude payable to the Chairman of the Counny Court of Nish and his successors in
oflice, to be void on conditiun that the said Silvia shall never become a charge or burthen to any of the couaties of
this Stae.
An Act to divorce Young Utley, of tie county ofl Wake, fron his wife Polly
BE it enacted by the Geaeral Assembly of the State of NVorth-Carolina, and it is he'rebyj enacted by the authority of
the samte, That from and oetor the passing ofthis act, Ytung Utily, ofthc county of Wake, be, aud be is hereby di-
vowced from his wvif' Pol!y, in as full and amplea man.c in all intents and purposes as if the rites of matrinmony had
3ever been solenmized between them, and t:aey arc hereby divorccd accordingly.
An Act to divorce Amos numas, of ie count y of llichmond, fronm his wiife Drsilla.
lE it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority qf the seIn, That fror and ftier ti'p passing of this act, Amos Dumas, of the county of Itichiond, beand
Ibe is hereby divorced from his wif: I)rusilla, in Lis full and ample a manner to all intents Ili purposes as if the ritos
of niatriloy had never buc solnnize.d betwer them, and they are hereby divorced accordinrly.
An Act to divorce Eliz;thetIlBczzel, of the countyof Sampson, from her husband Isaac Iezzell.
BE it enacted by the General AssemblU of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the
unbhority of the sane, That firm and after the passing of this act, Elizabeth Bezzelt of the county of Sampson, be,
and she is hereby divorced from her hushndIsaac Bezzcll, in as full and adhple a manner to all intents and purposce
,s if th rites of matrimcny had never been solcmized between them, and they are hereby divorced accordingly.
Provided, 'That nothing herein contained shall rendor illegitimate the-children begotten during wediock.
An 'Act to secure tothe persons therein metaionied, such property as they mayhereafter acquire.
BE it enacted by the General Asscnd;/y of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the
wahqrity qfthe same, Thatfrom and after the passing of this act, Mary Hammonds of the county of Iredell, Orpah
D.niel or the county of Rowan, Eleanor Miles of the county-of Person, Margaret Hatcher of the county ot Bun-
comi, Elizabeth Tender of the county of Surry, Ann L. Williams of the county of Hertford, Hannah Sutton of the
county of Rlowan, Eliz iheth Weston of the conwity of Iertford, Jennct-Ingram of the county of Montgomery, Sally
Alans of the county of Franklin, Jenmia Bluckvellof the county of Stokes, Jane Randutl of the county of Rulier-
fordi, Nancy la~erail of the county of Cowell, Philis Yarborough, wife of William Yurboroughi of the count, of
F1rnklin, Milry Yarell, wife 6f Matthew Yarrell of the county of Mnrtin, Sarah Taylor, wife ofAlfred TayloC, and
Ehizabeth Arnold, wife of Villium Arnold, and Nanmcy Sexton, wife'of Thomas Sexton, of Randolph county, he.
,and they are hereby respectively cutitled to hold, posses and enjoy in tieir sole right, all such estate, either real or
personal, as they may hcreafter acquire by industry, purchase, gift, or otherwise, in as full and umple a manner aslif
they had never been married to their respactive husbands herein nalned, free and clear from the thu1us of their said
ius'xinds herein naned, or any of their creditors.; and thoy respeltively shall have full power and authority to pro-
secute or defend any suits cithcr in law or equity, in their own names, in the same manner as if they had never
)ien married-any law to the contiary notwitstanding.
A;, Act to secure to'Leal-I)udley, wife of Christopher Duak y, junior, of the town of Wilmington, such property as she may hrt.
aftev acqire.
?E it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is herey enacted bly the
autWihrity of the sawe, That from and alter the passing of this.act, Leak Du ley, wife of Christopher Diley. jun o,
ofihe town of Wilmington, be, and site is hereby cotitled and empowered to hold, possess and enjoy in her own
Uiht, all su -h. at;t, ci.her real or peron::al, as ilie may herzafter acquire by industry, parchase, gift, or otherwisc.

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