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An Act to prevent any person or persons from working seines, or skimming with nets, in Neuse River, on Sundays and Sunday nights, from the fifteenth day of January to the twenty-fifth day of April, in each and every year. 1809 17 (1809)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0007 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTT.CAROLINA.

CHAP. XXXIX.                                           t''0
An Act to amend the several acts heretofore passed relative to the removal of obstructions to the passagc o1-'
1.ish up the several ivers %itiin this State, so fit as respects the Peedee and YIadkin Rivers.
WHEREAS the sevcral acts heretofore passtd for the removal of othtructions to the passage of fish
up the s tid rivers have fisled to ansiw er the purpose thereby intended : For remedy whereof,
Be it enarted bU the Genieral tAsemb/ of the .State of North.Corolhna. and it is hereby enactedby the
authority of the same, That previous to the fist d iv of V'bruary next, il owners of dmins, hekels, stops
or traps, where the extend to, or across the m 4in channel of the main Yidkin or Peedee River, shall
cause the said obstructions to be removed, lea:1ving at least one hundred feet as high as the Shallw Ford,
in tile countyof Sttrry., and from thence to \Vi kes countw line twentv-iive, and from thence to the head
of said river, te n ft ct of the main chiunel aforemaid, and continue the same open at all times therelfter
for the free passage of fish up the same. And every person fading to remove the said obsttructions, in
the manner and hv the time herein Tpet ifiel, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty--five pounds, fir,
every twenty-tour hours that he, she or th,.' in y continue the same, to be recovered by a warrant be.
fore any J ustice of the II ace, and applied to the sole use of the person suing for the same.
II. Andbe it further enacted, That from the first day of February to the first day of May, in each and
every year, no person owning or h iving an interest in any s-ine or seines, or dipping nets of any decrip.
tion whatever, for the purpose of catching fish on the said Yadkin or Peedee River, shail be permitted
to hawl their seine or svines, or use their dippi;te nets, or suffer others to make use of them for the pur-
poses aforesaid, on Sunday or Suday nights (if each ald every week, until the espiration of the time
herein specified. Nor shal any person or persons whatever fish at any stand or fishing place on the said  ,
rivers on the d:4s and nights aforesaid, under the penalty of twenty.-five pounds for each and every
offcn! e, to be recovered in the same manner, and applied to the samie use as prescribed in the first sec.
tion of this uct; at law, usage or Luston to the contrarY notwithstanding.
An Act to prevent the working seincs or setting nets in the channels through the marshes that separate Pamtico
front A entarie Sound, ltl to regI date the Fisheiics on Houoake River.
BE it enarted by tile Gener':l Assernbh, of the St ite of Arth tarolina, and it is hereby enactedby the
authoritiy cJ the sane, That in future, no nerson or personi shill work a seine, or set a net, in the chan-
nels through the marshes that sepirate Pamtico from  Albemarle S'innd ; and if any person shall, at any
time hereafter, work a seine, or set a net, in the: channelh thit eparate the said Sound, he shall forfeit
and pay the sum of one hundired pound;l tr each and every of f:e, to be recovered before any court
hving jurisdi'iion thereof, one half to the use of tile informer, and the other btf to the use of the
poor of the county where such recovery may he efficted.
An Act to prevent any pers' n or pe'rsois from workmi seine's, o skhi 1  with nets, in Neust iver, tn
SunIdys ad Suntday ntihts fro tile tiventh1 day Ot Jinuai'y to ta twenty-ilih dlay of Alpril, ill eacl
antd every year.
BE it rwctedbyt the GentralAneibib, ofthe State,f AN'rth.Cars!ina, and it is hereby enacted bU theautho-
t    / th mine', Hit in future, no pt rson or persons -h:ll work a seine or km miing net, fi,h.tr;!p,
slide or wiir, in N.use Hiver, from the fifteenth day of Jinuary to the twentv.fifth of April, on Sundalms
or Suodul  nights, undcr the fouiowing penlties, that is to say, tht every person or persons who sh it
he found wiiking a seine on that di or night, contrary to tmie true intent ;inl mtlaning of this act, sh III,
fOr each ail everv oil'ence, on conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of thirty pounds ; for working a
shbmming .net, fish tran, s'ide or weir, on conviction thercof, the slim of five ptinds, to be recovered
bcfore iny, cometnt '10rifdiction, to the so'e w e of' any person who maY prosecute for the saime, toge.
ther with th: forfeiture of any skimming net, fish-trop, slide or weir, th'it iay he foind working con-
trary to the true int'nt and me.ning of tihis art, to:mperW n who in  make due proof of the same.
I, An,1(d be it  rth'r enarted, That if any ;tlave or slavers hall be convicted before an%' Jtoice of the
Peace of' having violited this act, he or they shall receive thirty lashes on his or their hart lack, 'ird the
masters or owters shall be St.ject to par the costs of prosetition, and whipping said slave or shivs
'1Wi. X!:11.
An Act to appoint Commissioners to lay off and est Odlish the dividin; lines between the co'ntie of Carterct
aid Ctove .
WHF ER E '\S the dTividing Ynve between the couiti's of Cieterpt and Craven, hwe not heretofore
been efcitially dtsctibed, vi her by actual surver\, or known ;an I liv Iouidaries, wh' iv it becomes
expedient, in orde)r to prevent disputes betwee the inhabitants of said counties, that the dividing lines
shoull he atti l avei rtained and laid off:
BriUt r freeemae 't 'lb1 'w ''rit dA'sson~  of't'ze St ete fV/ r'. (  'ardi. and iv herA'  enacted by
t'e nithrrity ofthesane, 'I hat 0( iei Fuier and I lijah Pigo 1. ls.-quitc, . ii e  tit  i L.arteri an
John S. Nels'tn an' IPhilp N Eal, EsquireS, of the countv of Crdive i, 1w, at I Oi r i'Oe it'n by Ippoillted
commissi''ners, with full powers and authority t lay oil, etead 1i1nd malrk the dividing lines between the
said counties.
I1. 'And be it fcrther renacted, That the said cotml Ysioners fhall orminnte al an-oit Puch surveyor
or surveyors, anI cihin-carriers and (tOther attendints as shall h necessaie y, for the ruon.iig, nirking an1d
establi hing tile said lines ; and that they shiall begin the dividing lines betweeo the countics of Carteret
and Craven, it or near Long, or Turn again I'ay, near Niw, e River, at such plce :I, tmia he agreed on
bw the said commisioners, and shall run thence the ric''le of the open hrouo ht.t .vue Carteret and
Craven counties, or su: b lines as may he agreed on between the said commisimoner.4, unto an old m-trk.'d
lIne at or near Richard Let et's old pintntation Oin the roal, and ftom theice, hr the best infore tion,
unto the head of Hunter's Creek, on White Oak River ; and shall makt', or camse to be made, rk turs
of their proceedings to each of the courts of the said counties, to be dlipeshe  with awl recorled y the
Register of e'mch countv. And the said lines, when so estthlished and laid C4f, shill forever tlhertai'er
be established and confirmed as the dividing line, between the counties of Carteret and Crave.

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