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An Act to alter so much of the 29th section of an act. 1809 12 (1809)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0006 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NOTHI-CAROLINA.

Ins.    Court, or perfon aaing as Rich, to apply to the I udoe of-the Superior Court, to make
     fuch orders and appointments as may be necell'ry for carrying fuch laws into eleft.
And to enable the Jundgc to obtain lich infiomnation as he may need to govern him
in making tnch orders and appointments, he is hereby empowered to call upon the
Clerk, Sheriff, Grand Jurors, Petit jurors, or any other perfons who may be at-
tending the Court, for any inf'ormnation which it may, be in their power to give, conch.
ing the lubjed ; and to make all Fuch orders and appoi inents as by the laws the
County Court may be cmpowercd to make ; which orters. wh'n.miade        ball I b, in
all refpetts. as :bligatory a though they had been made by thi' Coutnty Court.
I1. And be it further enalTed, That the County and Siperior Court Soliciors, thal
silicitors reflpeively be entitled to the fare fees for any applcation either of' them may make
under this law. as they are now allowed for- profecuLting ally indictuents in) faid courts;
to be paid out of the monies colledted for county tiles i the county where luch apph.
cation is made.
D~uty of' tl . IIf. And be it forter enaed, Thit it fhall be the duty of the Qlcrk of the Court
cik, otk ein which any order for the appointment. of ()verfecrs, or allotment of, hand.< thall be
made, For the purpofe of working on any (tream within wtn days after the clofe of the
Court at which fich orders were made, to ilftie to the'Overfer Co appoin er his or-
ders, expre fIng therein the name of the Itrcam, the dillance lhe is to work thercon,
and the hands appointed to work under hii, a.nid deliver the fapie to the Sheriff, whofe
dury it is hereby declared to he to deliver themn to the Ovcrx[(er in teti days alter he
Mall receive them from the Clerk.
An Act to amen the 'riSt seItion o  at pased( aIlt F;,yourvill, in the Vhear one th'ovsandl seven ulearm'ed
aire  niinewy, cwmil   All act (to  restrain1 Ztll .1fur ivd  Fulwws 1ison  narringo o;Una  wilskt the1,ir Muser
W'ivcs               arefannr I Ins1 ad are living.'
'ni -ues to  BE it rnalled by the General A41 'emb  of the State or Aort4 Carolin', and it , hereby
,  jitincuI1 enacted by the a'that ity ofthe far, That if anly pevrlon now married, or who hereaftcr
kuon.    thall be marri.'d, doth take to him or herfielf another hiulband or wife, wbi his or her
former wilfe or hu frmand is (hilt living, every fuch ofeiider ihall be adjudged a felon,
without benefit of clergy, and tlall fuller death.
C!! W. XXVI1.
An Act to al'  muich oIf the Uth se'ction o f noi n0t paed in the year 1741, as requires the publica-
t6M of !oNicwy Ne'ioes at ce'tdin pCeIs.
Nroes not . DE it enrcted by the General Assemliv of the State of Ntth-Caroblna,and it is hereby
ink a  .sen.ctedh bthe authority Of the samnlU, T at to imich of the above recited aH, w hich re-
ournam-qtiites S 'eriff to give itifornmation at each place of' Divine Worhip within his conmity
b         of all Rwinawovs who tay he committed to tie laid Sheriff,.beand the fdame is hereby
repealedl and made void.
An  A  t to r t nive and cntinue in force, n  nt't psised at Ibleib, in  th  y 'er 1795, cTitlel  ' An art
7i' i! !. fillter   time forthe pobte  l Iregiskwtion ofl certain  Deeds  isued  ioaiin  Lord  (ranville'i
W1II ER  ,1 9 many of the good people of this State have not availed themfelves of
Pramb~le the provifiomns of the thid act ; all whereas it would be but jullII and right that the per-
fons holdin g latd' i mundr fich deeds fhivuildi have the privilege of perpetuating the fame:
Be it en.: l1 !' the General g.1/zirly of thre State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby
et to. Tv- en??rd by the authirit O /he [,ne, That from and afier the )iIing of this ae), the 'aid
Ckib u' recited ad ihail be an comtinue in fuill force and operation fur two years hereaftcer, any
thing in the law to the contraty notwithilanding.
t    ;c 1t' s tiw , nd P t/  I in  . 1mi,
the l~ub sau uf Den ber, 1J9  ,TN PIIDDICK, S. S.
'i'Ull1AS DAVIS, Speaker of the House of Commons.
WILbIAM. Will'TE, Secretary.

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