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An Act to raise a Revenue for the payment of the Civil List, and contingent Charges of Government, for the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five. 1804 1 (1804)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0001 and id is 1 raw text is: H-CRO IN A.
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At a Cattral~st       g, hein; apnh  I at  IigI, on the Nineteehth Day
of November, in the Year of our Lord One Thwoland Eight Hundred and
Four, and in tbe. Twenty-ninth Year of the Independence of the faid State.
An Ada to confirm a revisal of certais Acts of Assembly.
VXAHEREAS the General Affembly of this 5tate, at their laft Seflna paffd:.
a refolution in the following words:  Resilved, that Francis Xavier Martin colb.
lect and revife the public afs paffed fince the publication of judge Iredells Rt- Preamble.
vifal, totie-end of the prefent feffion,inclufive; which faic Re,,ifil fhall conEd
the aas paffed fince Judge Iredell's, by notes and remarks adverting to fu-th as
appear to *have- beerr virtua ly repealed, -and retaining fuch as are not-expressly
fo, and caufe his faid Revifal to be-piinted. And whereas in purfuance of faid
refotation, the faid Francis Xavier Martin has colleaed and revifed the faid aas,
caufed them to be printed, and his Revifi- bas been fubmitted to, ard examined,
by, a committee of this GenerarAfffimbly, and-found corrd68,
BE it enaaed by the General Affembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is ievisal appre-
Aereby enaded by tkz drihor-ity of 'the fame, That the faid -Revifal be,'aud is  .
hereby approved.'
R-edthree times and atifie inGeneral   JO:. i IDDIC    , S. .
Assembly, Dec. Itb A. P. Is*,!         -S. CABAR.RUS, S. I.- C.
,  -.    :CHAP. I.L
An At to raise a Revenue, for the payment of the Civil List, and contingent Charges of
-      Gotorment, for the Year One Thousand Eight H1undred and -Five.
BE it enaged by- the Genieral Affbly of the State of Norek. Carolina, and ib -
is hereby enaded by the authority- f the fame, -That for the yearf one fhoufnd T'he tax
eight-htedred-. and fiNde, a ta&, of eight-pence on every himdredcres oFt-nd Ln, a
within this- State, and a tax of two thilTings ouevery hu-ndred pounds value of l
town lots- with their improvemebes, and a tax of t6 (hillings on eviry poll, fhatl
be levied, colleaed and accduinted for in the - fame manner as fach taxes hath
heretofore been levied, colleediand accounted for.
II. And be itfurther enaded, That a tax on all -flud-horses and jack-affes within Tax on stod
this State, of the full fum which the owner or keeper of fuch fttud-horfe or'jack- Horscs and
afs (hall afk, deiand or receive for the feafon of one mare, fhall be levied and  Jaciacs.
colleaed as above.
III. And be it further ena~led, That all free males, between thevages of twen- Who are mb-
ty-one years and fifty, and all flaves between the ages of twelve and fifty years, ject to poll-
hall-be fubjea to a- poll tax.                                            -ax.
- IV. And be itfurther ena&ed, That each and every perfon who thall hereaftet Pedars Hen-
peddle or hawk goods in any of the counties of this State, fhall firft obtain a i- se*.
-ence from the clerk of fome county in this State, under his feal of office; and
the perfon to peddling and hawkingglhaillpay to the, clerk before obtaining faid li-
cence, the furm of ter pounds, to'the ula of the State, to be adfounted for by
the clerk in the fame manner ias tax feds are accounted for; qud'ny licence fe
ebtained, thall authorize faid ped!dr tb paddle and hawk goodsiri any and'every

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