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An Act to incorporate the town of Savannah. 1844-1845 171 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0079 and id is 1 raw text is: INCORPORATIONS.

acquire by gift, testament or otherwise, and such bonds, deeds of trust,
mortgages and annuities as may be necessary for the investment of said
funds ; they may also have a common seal and alter the same at pleasure,
and may make such constitution, regillations and by-laws as mr.ay be re-
quisite for its governniiit, and not contrury to the laws of tie land, and
iiiay alt r the same at Ileasir.
§ 2. Te coiistitution an    by-laws of said associMt on, now in opera-
tion, shall govern the corporatioLn-hereby created until regilarly altered or
repealcd by the asitociation, andt the prvstnt ofincers of said association
shall I olicers of' the corporation herhy cratid until their respective
terms of olliCe sha!ll regularly expiro or be acteld.
6 3. The Lerislaturre may at any tine alter, muend or repeal this act.
This act to take clIect froma and after its passage.
Artuover, March 13, 1845.
.q2' AN  CT to incorpotral the town if Seacannah.
ITle  town  of Savanntdai  iwcorrported;  I trtt1e : to tire  hettI U111 talkv an Oath, &C.
limits, mil pow0 er as  m tt iII t-   ii i ptr id glet, o l ( btil d atj ctirng  po'azoeatca,
Jara I ion  defin 1   I        I                                   7
Corpoate p'owei v estel in a Ionl of Pren  le  ItIx\i', how  rllvitrtl  8
ti uiel s; four at  quillum; II th ir  F    IiveOlC  d  C iPT  r  li
 in. Idtined  joti Il of pto  il t  to n     i      x  t    rild j
Lept                            2    t   A  1ittice may, itt rtrtttt  ciises, is-
Trustees to  take anl oitII, & . ; to iet  atl  Sie 11MIi itt it s  9
eect  ce tain o fllicers  ithin  a i t  ttt     tta Niay  Tilttlly  to
sta le of oldiaIICe 1             3    till ii ttt  tevtttit of the  ex' idittles,
Powptr, of Sai  board tt pecifiedl  I  &C.  I   fr tatlure  to (le 'e  10
Time  ind  iat r  If  conctlelin  electionis  Tl ii  it   law  to gout  ill crtait Cas
for ttrustees.  Vacatci,: ,ltn  x  alit t  w-1 a y be alte teil ot repealed 
Ceutii: toss  oiil                              h     tI  anl  taitilh  & cl.it
e it Cacte(tyhc (cucral Is2semIgP of I  Ntadtc f Missouri, asfollots:
§s 1. Tha't distriot or count ry knownvi by the inme of tile town of Sa-
vanniah, lying within the fosvn    ii, to wit: the south-cast quarter
of section No, nine, of towiicl) No. illy-nine, ol lallte No. thlirty-five,
inl the counity ofrA Itliiw it1 staite otr Missoui, small be and continue a
biody pol itic and Cotlt~oratt by the i minr and style of the in ta citants of
the towl of Savannah, anitd by that nine tie inaitants 0 said town and
their site cessors shall lie knowil i C law, have continual sccassion, may
sue and Ile sued, pleall and he itilea  bled, di fend and  he deended in all
courts of law and equity ; way llTptist, ecive and hold property, 1e-
al a nd personal, -itiii tie liits of said town ato  cobeins tlereputnto at-
tached, as shall bie necesary for said town in the c\etfcise of her corpo-
rate powers, and  oay lease, sell anm dispose of the sa ne for the benefit of
said town ; may anave a common seal amtd alter the same.


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