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General provisions concerning crimes and punishments. 1844-1845 407 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0059 and id is 1 raw text is: CRIMES AND       PUNISHMENTS.                                 407
punishable under any of the provisions of this article, shall be CHAP. 47.
thereafter disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, tia &cr.a-
or trust, or voting at any election within this state.
SEc. 46. Every person who shall be convicted of any of the Additional
offences specified in the       [sixth  and seventh] seventh andtiaifica-
eighth sections of this article, shall, in addition to the disabil-
ities specified in the last section, be incompetent to be sworn
as a juror or witness, in any cause, civil or criminal.
General provisions concerning crimes and punishments.
O3,c. 1. Punishment forattempts to com- SEc.21. Persons of convicts protected
mit oflfences.                       by the law from injury, &c.
2. When attempts not indictable. (  22. Forfeiture of estates abolished.
3. Proceedings against persons for  23. Benefit of clergy abolished.
felony in another state, &c.    24. How dlisabilities may be remo-
4. What defendant may plead in           ved.
his defence.                    25. How removed in case of minor
5. Punishment of principals in se.       convicts.
cond degree, and aceessories    26. Civil action declared not merged
before the fact.                    in a felony.
6. Who deemed accessories after     27. Slaves punished by stripes.
the fact, and how punished.  '  28. How tried, and before whom.
7. Punishment for second offences.  29. When jury shall be summoned.
A. Convicts in other states liable  30. Fines under one hundred dol-
to punishment for second con-        lars recoverable before a jus-
viction.                            tice of the peace.
9. Sentence of persons convicted (  31. Fines, forfeitures, &c., recover-
of two or more offences at the       able by indictment, or before
same time.                          justice where it does not ex-
10. When imprisonment may ex.             ceed one hundred dollars.
tend to life tine- never to be  32. Assaults and batteries not in-
less than two years.                 dictable, how to be prosecuted.
11. No fine can he imposed, when     33. Jurisdiction of circuit court and
prisoner is suit to the peni .     jlstices of the peace, in crimi-
tentiary.                            al cases, defined.
12. Punishment limited in certain 34. Slaves convicted of felonies not
cases.                               capital, how punished.
13. Misdemeanors, where no pun-      35. Civil remedies againmt owner of
ishinent is prescribed, punish-      a slave guilty of certain ofen-
el by fine, or imprisonment,        ces against persons or pro-
or both.                             perty.
14. Defendant may be convicted of    3. Definition of the term dfelony.1
a less degree of the offence    37. Definitior of tie term infa-
charged.                   I         mous crime.,
15. Where no fine is prescribed in)  38. Definition of the term misde-
misdemeanor, fine may be im.i-       meanor,?
posed by court.                 39. Definition of the terms crime,
16. Acquittal is a bar to a prosecu-       offence, and criminal of-
tion for the same offence, and       fence.
every inferior degree thereof.  40. Construction of the term per-
17. When defendant may be tried           sonal property.11
again ; when not.               41. What the term  real property,
S. Acquittal may be pleaded in          inchides.
bar, when.                      42. What the term iproperty, in-
19. Minor convicts, under sixteen        cludes.
to be sentenced to county jail,  43. What the term  I- person, is
&c.                                 construed to mean.
20. Civil rights suspended during    41. Persons with respect to whom
imprisonment in the penitn-          ally intent to defraud may be
iary.          t                    charged.

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