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An Act regulating the mode of taking the census. 1844-1845 198 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0053 and id is 1 raw text is: CHAP.24.                        CHAPTER            24.
AN AcT regulating the mode of taking the census.
SEC. 1. Sheriff to take the census of his SEc. 5. Sheriff shall ascertain and spe-
county. The particular man-      cify the number of inhabitants
nor in which census to be        in each township and corpo-
taken.                           rate town of his county, &c.
2. Deaf and dumb, and blind per-  6. Original books to be deposited
sons to be specified, &c.  I     in office of the clerks of the
3. Secretary of state to prepare     county courts, &c.
blank forms for taking the cen-  7. Compensation to the sheriff for
sus &8c.                         takng the census.
4. Sheriff to commence taking the  8. Penalty for failing to perform
census on the first of Septem-   the duties imposed by this act;
her, in every fourth year, after  how recovered.
1814, and return an abstract of  0. Compensation when allowed.
the same to secretary of state,  10. Penalty for knowingly enume-
hefore the first Monday in No-   rating n  persons not resi-
vember, &c.                      den   to   county.
Be it enacted by the General fAssembly <f' the State of Mis-
souri, as follows:
Sheriff to take SECTION .1. The sheriff of each county shall take an
the census of enumeration of the inhabitants, residents of his county,
his county,
particular  distinguishing the free white males from the females, and the
manner in
which census free persons of color from  the slaves, and shall designate in
to be taken. separate columns, all free white persons under ten years of
See act Feb'y,
13th 1841,  age; those ten years of age, and under eighteen ; those of
P. 24. eighteen, and under twenty-one years; those of twenty-one,
and under forty-five; and those of forty-five years and
upwards; and shall also express in columns, the aggregate
of all free white persons between the ages of six and eigh-
teen; and the number of free white persons in his county
that have been taught to read and write.
Deafand        SEC. 2. The sheriff shall, also, in addition to the designa-
dumb ans. tion above required, specify in separate columns, the number
blind perions
tobe specified, of deaf and dumb persons, and the number of blind persons,
ac-bs       together with their ages, sexes and colors, and what number
of such persons have been taught to read and write.
secretary of SEc. 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, on
state tpr- or before the fifteenth day of June, every fourth year, after
ormsfortak- the year eighteen hundred and forty-four, toprepareblank
ing the census,
&c.-Ibid.   forms, embracing and showing all the distinctions and classi-
fications required by the two preceding sections, and forward
one or more to the sheriff of each county in this state, which
form the sheriff shall use in making the returns required by
this act; all the columns in said form shall be added together,
so as to show the aggregate of each classification required by



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