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An Act to authorise William Ott, of Frederick county, to sell his Negro Man, Rezin Thomas, a slave for a term of Years, beyond the Limits of this State. 1852 [306] (1852)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0215 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS' F 51Aft.YIAN-.

Cil,.. 303. ilhe Marylntid Stale H1,ospital fur insane peisons, nud to,
their Successors as such.
Plan of build-  So:c. 3. And be it' enacleik, 'That lhe aid cviniis.
ijg to b fre- sioners s.,allpiepai n lihin r iheerl tlioili  id Intlcs
Palred.   /of ll, of a-hospial li'll tlle illsne, combinincg all ih(
recint iinprvweniiuls iii such inistilliobs, and of suill-
cielt siZC to CCiOilitOtt properly, not less than two
hundred, nor iore thal two hundred aind fifty patients,
Ulnd Shall procced to coiincce lic erection of tile said
hospitall and proceed with the creclio'i thereof, as rapidly
as the nplpropritions ainde by tihe Geneial Assembly'
front lime to tiei will perlnit.
sntiaplproti.  Sro. 4. And be it en netc(l, rhilat ilie sum111 of to)'
at ed.     IoUllsand dollnis is hereby appropriated, to be'applicd to
the puircthase ol' the said lands and the colhlltelicemt l
of IIe baid hospital thrc'eoll Said suil of Imuoiey to bte
paid laccordiig to law Oil I he orilts of the before niaiiei
cOlilitlissio ileis, or (1 iiijorily  of thelii.
Vacauey-   S Ec. 6. And be it enacted, 'That if a vacancy occur
how filled,  by tle death, i esignation or tefoi al to act of uither or
aIy of ilt conmiisioners uffo esaid, the same shlli be
tilled by tie Govci ioi, the purmoin or persons so appoint-
el, to act is commisioneis until t different provision,
be inade by tile Gencral Assembly, and ihe said corn-
inissioners Shall keep a s rict account of their travelling
and personal expelnses, incurred in the perfouriinne of
their dulies sIS such, which eXIM'e. 1 thall e ialloweil
tIhenl out of thu  s  of mnhl i me y now or hereafter to huo
appropriated, hilt lio other or fllrilher corn pelisalion,
In fol-C.     SEC. 6. And be it enacelel, 'hllt -hi t ac-,hall'be irk-
folce fiont its passige.
PsId My AN  A C' to auktorise Williant Ott, of l,)'ederic
26, 1852,     county, to sell his Negro Man, Ilezin   1'honias, a
slave for a teria of Years, beyond the Limits q1
this State.
Atithority to  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
sell,      klnd, That flOil   and after the passage of this act, it
shall and may he lwful for Willian Ott, of Frederick
county, or his age nt or attorney, to sell or otherwise,
dispose of his negto ilnlu, Rezin Thonlas, who is a
slave for a terln of yeats, to iny person or persons be-

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