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An Act for the benefit of Milo Mason, of the Army of the United States. 1830 72 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0140 and id is 1 raw text is: LA.WS Oi MIIARYLAND.

I,10.   holdersi'i shall in novis lie in.werahle or liable therefur,
CUM..i,. 7,2. in their individual capvilets or private estavtls; and the
~ 5(iService o a       jwlieildc  In',Oes, bly any .lithorisel oflicer,
lipo  Ihe lprt1ident and directors, shall ie a good servic
Illpfill tile co.rpouration,
Tenellerto be , Ste. 10. ./nd  e1 it enalred, That it shall he the duty or
Irovided.   I lie sa!,l C'ImpIanyIIIV IIi lr'vide 1 Co li1ptelit. te:icher to instruct
Ihv  ehidre eilo)' ed ill I ie r vice in reailing, writill
i     rilll elic.
iiighit o1 I.e-  See;. 11 |, n  be ilt/  enac Illtted, Tihat niilng. coiltninad ill
giblaturL : . toax I his a)ct slall Ih consti'ieol to riesrict, fhe right of tile le-
i.ltii i'l, to irnlpose froini ime Io litine, and at ill tiics
hereafotr. such reasonable tax upon I lie prope' t'V, real, pe'-
,olial31id taindIixe, ii which tle Caliill s ok of the Saii(
conmpainy hereby incorlorated shall lie invested, in cor-
Ilion with iir li'nl -i1lpey of any other corporation or in-
dividual of this slate.
Dilrtluin.   See. 1-1. lbd 6e it rnacted, That this aclt shall eonli-
nill, alnd   he  ill Foree  ui tii Ihe Ii i'sfirst  ay  it ll   illirV  in  tiho
Veaur eiglieen iin1111red and Sixty, aid ullli Il tle ci.ldi of the
next session uf the general a-iinlily that sllU hl31]Cti
Yassed Fleb. 7. lIi ,ICt ,fivr the bcn/l ARM 11801 Mason, !f thie Irimy of
he Citdld s?/es.
Antlbnried in  Be it enacted by /ie General.'l.-sseuuly of .MoJrqhind,
hritg A   I That . ilo NlksMl  an olicer of the arny of tile United.
States, no'v stationed at Fort Washiniglon, he and lie is
hereby author'sed awl enlmpoWeot(ld, to remove -and bring
into this stat. from  Ihe state of Virginia, a fenale negro
slave, named rance.ies Humphrey, atged ahout fourteen
years, anti to relaini the said neoro as a slave. flnv law of
Provimv     this stale to tile coitrarv fliwilstilding: Providel ne-
verlheless, that nothiing herein cnnhltined sl;l l he construed
to authorise the sale of said negro sla1ve in this male other-
wise than in a courst of distribution or by opcratiunf of

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