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An additional supplement to the act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned. 1825 128 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0135 and id is 1 raw text is: tge                JOSnP1I KiNT, ESquiRE, GOVEflNOr.
DecSes 1c25 shall be hereafter acknowledged before anyjustice of the peace
•        of thii state, and which saidjustice of tile peace shall I)e certi-
tled to be a justice of the peace by the clerk of the countv court
of'thecounty of which he is a Justice of the peace un'der tho
seal of the said court, or before ny judge of any court of record
in this state, or of either of the other United States or the territo-'
rics thereof, ivhich said judge shall he certified to be a judge of
auuh co~ut, by the cli k of said court, under the seal thereof,
aind any recciit, acquittance, release or final discharge made ii
plirsuance of the authority granted y such power of attorney,
to any guardian executor or admiiistrator, which said, receipt,
acquittance, release or final discharge, shall have been or may
be ihcrcaft(ur Lck nowledged before an) justice of the peace of the
rity or counltv, or hefore the r -gister of wills of th.- count)',
'Vhcre such gnat diii wits appointctd, or .uch exet utor'or :btiin-
iSt ator obtained letters te-stamentary or of admilitt;-atioii, otaY
be rccoi dud; and it shall be the- duty of Sot h I Lgistel to rccord
ativ such power ol attorney, receipt, auqoitttance, releawtL or final
disclharge pirod uced to) he recorded, in a weil bound hook, to Ie
c pt f) th:it purpose: Provitlcd Tevertieless, That vo such
power of attorilcy, receipt, aiqo i tte11   e, release or final lii-
cia! gc shall ie recorded unless thet julStices of tle court wiht'tiTI
i)t is ttiSctied to record the salile  s hall in the first instance aP-
Plrovc of and direct tht: recording thereof.
Olice copy  2. An.1be it enacte(, FhaTt a copy of any such po wer of ittor-
slifficicl.t COi- IlIy, ieceipt, acquittance, release or final discharg', acknow;-
uce.        cdtdgcd and recorded as aforesaid, duly attested un..er the seal of
ofli:e il which the siine is recorded, snall at all tines hcre-
aftt-r be admitted as evidence to prove such power of attorley;
receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge.
Ic e.         3. ezndbe it onacted, I hat the registers of wills may ask, (e.
mand and receive, such fee for recording the same, as is allow-
cd by law in other cases of a similar nature.
CHAP I Ell 161.
,asqed March An additional suplplement to the act rvlatil:, to ncg'oc, and to rc)cal the
acts of aslemblv thcrein'ifntiotce.   I
Sec. 1. Pe it cna, ted by the Ge'neral Assemnbly of Olarylawl,
That lrom and after (tn  )ais i  of thisi ict it shall bc the (dity
of constablcs of the diff'rent countes of the 'tate, and ot the
cities of' Baltimore, A  ,apolis ald'' Fredei ick to make diligent
enlquiry, and where the lill1 any ft're ntiro or mulatto living
idle, without any visible mcans of maintenance, -r going at
large tlrough their countiesi or cities without aniV visible in, is
of support, to lodge such information with some jostie( oV the
peace of their countics ot ,its who shall tOicupon, on b').ig
satisfic; of the truth of the same, issue his warrant) directing

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