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An Act authorising gates to be kept on the public roads in Queen Ann's county. 1823 52 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0115 and id is 1 raw text is: 52.'            SAMUEL siTEVENS, fr. ESQUIRE, (;OVERNOR.
Dec'Ses.1823' on or before tOe first diy of Ilay, in every year, as aforesaid,and shall
continue to use or kecp up such gate or gates, such I'erson shall for-
feit all the protection afforded by the provisions of this act, and shall
be in the same situation respecting their gates a:i if this act had not
Disposition  6. And be it enacted, That all moinies collected l- v the collector of
of money.   the said county under tie provisions of this act, shall he paid over to
andapplied by the Levy court of said county toward:; dc1raying tht:
county charges.
Tenants au-  7. Andbe tt enacted, That in'all cases where ten:.nts shall res'id: on
thnrised,  lands through whit h public roads may pas --and shall keep gates there-
on, it shall and may be law for such tenants to enter such g:ltes in the
manner prescribed by the fourth section of this act, aod to pay the tax
thereon, who shall be allowed tle same hyI his landlord in his rent,
upon producing the collectors receipt shewing that he has paid the
Slaves of-  8. And be it enacted, That if any slave shall cut down, dLc-;trov, in-
-nding.    jure, or wilfully leave fixed open, any gate upon the public Voads,
which shall have been entered in the manner prescri'ed Iy the fourth
section of this act, such slave srall be purnished for everr such offncc,
on conviction before a justice of the peace by the oath *f one or more
witnesses, by whipping on his or her bar'e back, in the dl-cr, tion of the
said justice, not exceeding for each offence IhI -rumier of ten i]a,,ci:
Prsviedalaay, that the master or mistress of such slave, or :any othcr
person in their behalf, may redeem said slave so convicted from said
punishment by the pa:.ment of the fine to the owner orowners ot such
gate, imposed by this act, upon firee persons for like offences: andpro-
tided ,lso, that no free citizen shall be fined or slave punished under
the provisions'of this act, in any case where such gates shall be found
carelessly standing open, not hung upon good iron hinges, or other-
wvise in bad order and rapair.
Repeal.       9. Andbe it enacted, That all atid every law usage or custom here-
tofore existing, or in use which is repugnant to or inconsistent with
the provisions of this act, shall be, and is hereby declared to be an-
nulled, abrogated and repealed so far as respects the county herein
CHTAPr'TR 107.
Passed Feb. An act authorlsing gates to be kept on the public roads in Queen Ann's count.
7, 1824.      WHEREAS, it has long been a practice of the citizens of this state
Preamble.   owning or residing on lands through which public roads have pas1-
ed to keep gates on said roads, for their own private use and cou-
venience, without any legal authority for so doing; and w/hereas, the
county court of Queen Ann's county, at their last I\av term, after a
full investigation of the subject, hath decided that gates on the pub-
lic roads were public nuisances, thereby subjecting the owners or
keepers of them to all the penalties imposed by law cn such as shall
impair or obstruct the public high ways, whereby the r,:al estates of
many citizens would be rendered of little value, and not a few of
them totally ruined for want of materials to enclose their fields;-
Condit.     SEc. 1. Be it enactedby the General Assembly of Marb land, That
(ri '   il  from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for
any of the citizens of Queen Ann's county, to keep on the public
roads in said county, all such gates as are now erected on the public
road, for their own private use and convenience, upon the cxpres.

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