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An Act in favour of Robert Wright, Senr. of Queen Ann's County. 1822 98 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0097 and id is 1 raw text is: 98            SAMUEL STEVENS, Jr. ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.
Proviso.   their freedom, Provided, that the said negroes when removed agree-
ably to the provisions of this act, shall be registered among the re-
cords of Baltinore county court, within three months after their ar-
rivd in this state.
Sale prohlbi-  2. And bc it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall lic
ted.       construed to authorise a disposition of said slaves, except in cases
of disposition by last will and testament, and dispositions 1y law for
bona fide debts, or consequent upon intestacy, in less than three )ears
after the passage of this act
Passed Feb                          CIIAP.It 161.
18,1823.      An act i fi-vour cf Robert Il i'ht, Senr. of Queen Ann's Gsnp1.
Preamble.     WiIEIt.As, Robelt Wright, scnr. of Qecen Ann's county, by his
pctition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that in the y-ar
eightccn hundred and twenty two, he intermarried with a ladv'ori-
ginally of Virginia, and then of the district of Colunbia, in ri'ght of
whon lie becane entitled to a negro lad named Lewis, and a negro
girl named Nancy, residing in said di.'&ct, and without a law for
that purpose lie cannot reiove the said iiegronS; T'hcrefore,
Iniportsla'es  Be it enacted bi /he General Asx.nbly o] Mharyland, That it shall
and may be lawful fr the said'Robert Wright, scar. his executor.,
or administrators, at any time within twelve months after the pa.-
sage of this act, to bring into this state said negroes naicd Lewi9
and Nancy, and to have and to hold the said negroes as sulav; as ful..
ly and aiply as if they had never been removed, aii)- law to the con-
Provisos.  trary notwitlhstanding;  Provided, that the said Robert Wright,
sem. shall within six nonths after the pas.age of this act, make out
and deliver to the clerk of Queen Ann's county court, a list of
Eaid slaves, stating their ages, naies and sexes; which li it the said
clerk is hereby empowered and directed to record; Alndprxs'i/hd also,
that nothing ini this act contained shall be construed to authorise a
disposition of said slaves, except in cases of dispositi(;i by last
will and testament and dis.positions by law for bona fide debts, or
consequent uion intestacy, in less than three years after the passage
of this act.
.,II act cotcerni   .f 'it i'nawiC.
aissed Feb.  ei it enacted bI the General .ssembly f Allvtrylnd, That no
18, 1823.  deed devise or other instrunent of writing which may hereafter be
made or executed, shall be construed to create an estate ill joint te-
nancy, unless in such (eed, devise, or other instrument of writing,
it is exresily provided that tile property conveyed liy such dced, de-
vise, or other instrument of writing is to be held in joint tenancy.
c IAII.;R4ru 163.
ef .m'qh',menit to the act entitled, .311 act rtkiti, to Me paving
Passcd Feb.              f cer'lai strects in the city of Baltimore.
18,,1823.     WIIERe'AS, it has been represented to the general assembly of
Prea nible.  MIaryland) that doubts have been entertained whether the said act to
which this is a supplement i3 sulicient to vest in the inayor and city
council of Baltinore, the powers intended to lie granted to thern by
the said act of assembly; Therefore,
Authority to  Section 1. Be it enacted.by the General Assembly o/'llary/and, That
pale.     the mayor and city council' of lloitiaiore, lie, alid tley 'are hereby

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