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An Act for the benefit of Elizabeth A. Lowndes of Prince George's County. 1822 88 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0094 and id is 1 raw text is: .88        SAMUEL STEVENS, Jr. ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.
Dec Scs.1822 and tfter the passage of this act, ii shall an'd may be lawful, for colo-
Snel Roger Jonesof the United States army, to bring into this state
a certain negro boy named Adam, and him retain as a slave, any law
Proviso.    to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that nothing herein con-
taincd shall be construed to authorise a disposition or sale of said
slave within three years after his importation aforesaid, othervise
than by bequest in a course of distribution or by operation of law,
and that said slave be registered in the clerk's office of Annd-Arun-
del county court, within three months next after the-arrival of such
slave in this state.
C~rAPTER 43.
Passed Feb. A supplement to ani act, entitled, dn act incorprating into one the'sere.
10, 1823.                  ral acts relating to constables ftes.
Levv directed  Bie it enacted by the General Assembly oj Maryland, That the levy
courts of this state be, and they are hereby authorised and rccluirecd
to levy on the assess ble property of their respective counties the
amount of fees that the constables of the several counties are enti-
tled to receive by the act to which this is a supplement for executing
Proiso.    criminal business any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided,
that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to exempt any crimi-
nals from paying the cost of their arrest, if they shall be of sulli-
cient ability to pay said cost themselves.

A supplenent to an act, entitled, An act fir the relief of the securitied
of Thomas Bailey,former collector o] the tax for Bialtimore county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, 'hat the com-
missioners of the tax for Baltimore county be, and thev are hereby
authorised and directed to ascertain and fix the probablfe amount of
insolvencies that should have been allowed Thomas Bailey collector
of the tax for said county, for the year eighteen hundred and five, in
the same manner as if the returns had been made in time to the said
commissioners, and this allowance when ascertained and fixed shall
be an ofl'zett against the -claim of the levy court of Baltimore county
against said Bailey and his securities.

CIIAirrER 145.
Passed Feb. An act for the benefit of .Elizabeth A. Lozondes of Prince George's
.15, 182.3.                           County.
Authorised.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall
and may be lawftl for Elizabeth A. Lowndes of Prince George's
county, to sell and dispose of any slave of which she may be pos-
sessed or entitled to, in the same manner, and with as full force and
effect in law as if the said Elizabeth A. Lowndes was, at the time
of selling such slave, twenty-one years of age, any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Passe! Fbb

Passed Feb
15, 1823.
Time allowed

C1iAP'r r-a 146.
A suppleent to an act, entitled, An act to authorise the abutment of a
bridge on the Maryland shore of the Potomac River at llauper's
Ferry, and.for other pui'p.ses, passed at Decembr session, eighteen
hundred and twventy one, chapter one hundred and nineteen.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of I1aryland, That a further
time of one year is hereby allowed to Catharine Wager and James
Bate Wager, the persons named in the originalact, to commence the

The quality of these images represent the quality of the microfiche that was digitized.

Passed Feb
07, 1823.
ors of tax (I-

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