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An Act authorising Henry Vernon Somerville, to remove certain negroes into the state of Maryland. 1822 18 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0082 and id is 1 raw text is: 18          SAMUEL STEVENS, JR. ESQUIRE, GODVERNOR.
Dec.   1822 and for other purposes, commissioners were appointed and authorised
to divide Baltimore county, into any number of election districts not
exceeding twelve and Whereas the said law has made no provision to
remunerate the said coinmisioners for their services; Therefore.
C  Be it enacted by the'General Asscmbly of Maryldnd, That the-com
tion.    a-   issioners appointed- under the provisions of said act, shall be en-
titled to two dollars per day, for everyday that they shall necessaril,,
attended to the duties required by said act, and the levy court of Ba-.
timore county be, and 'they ard hereby authorised and required to
levy the same on the assessable property of said county.
Pissed Ja:. An act autlorising JIknr.I Vernon .3omnervill, to remove certain tc-
2, 1823.                    groes into the statc of Alruyland.
 Be it enacted byt the General Assembly of M71aryland, That at ay
Romoval.&c. time withiu two years after the, passage of this act Henry Vernon
Somerville of Baltimore pounty in said state, be, and lie'is hereby
authorised to bring into this state, and them retain as slaves, the fol-
lowing negroes, W wit: Isaac, Sabra, Hopey, John, lousby, Nanny,
Harriott, Jenny, Appy, Phill, Nancy, Eliza, Bibey, Charles, Roscyl,
Henny, Adam, Nat, Lygo, Harry, Lewis, Hetty, Jesse, Hesteri Ma-
ry, Fanny, Jessev, George, Sally, Fanny, Nancy, Billy, Barney,
Dickey, Toney, Ton, and such of their oifspring as may have been
born since they left this state, any law to the contrary notwithstand.
Proviso.  ing; Ptovided nevertheless, That nothing in this act contained shall be
construed to authorise a disposition of said slaves, except in cases
of disposition by last will and testament, and disposition by law for
bona fide debts, or consequent upon intestacy in less than three whole
years after the passage of this act, and provided moreover that the
said Henry Vernon Somerville shall cause the said negroes to be re-
gistered in the records of Baltimore county court within sixty days
after they shall have been brought into this state.
Passed Jan. An act to athorisc William Knight, of Kent county, to import'and
2, 1823.           9rng into this state certain negroes therein mentioned.
Import nc-  BRe it enacted by the General .ssembly of Mflaryland, That William
froes.      Knight, be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to import
and bring into this state, from the stite of Louisiana,. the following
negroes viz: Harry, Michael, David, Scyrus, Edward, Elizabeth,
Nelly, Michael, Stephen, Albert, Maria, Harriet, Betsey, Hyland,
Frisby, Emaline, Clarissa, and Lucy, and to have, and to hold the
said negroes, in the same right as it they had never been taken out of
Provisos.  the siate: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to
authorise a disposition of said slaves, except in cases of disposition
by last will and testament and -disposition by law for bona fide debts,
or consequent upon intestacy, in -less than three whole years after
the introduction of said slaves into this state; Andprovided also, that
the said William Knight, shall cause the said slaves to be registered
in the records of Kent 'county court, within three months after they
shall have been brought into this state.
Passed Jan. An act to mahe valid the proceedings oftheLevy'Court of Allcgany county%
3, 1823.
Prcanibk.      V HEREA s,' Doubts have arisen respecting the validity of the pro.
ceedings of the lev.y court of Allegany county relative to the execu-

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