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Resolutions. 1821 174 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0079 and id is 1 raw text is: RE SOLUTIONS
Pase,& '0     tle Gieneral            nise bXj of~ Alarq1auii      at beertber
Passed Dec. 10                                  No. I.
1821. t     kRESOLVED, That tbe treasurer of the western shore pay to the several mem-
In favor of the bera of the general assembly, and officers thoeol, also to the members ol the elect0'.'
members oi lhe ral college and iheir officers, or to their order, the several sums due to them, and
electoral col. for which they shall obtain certificates front the Ch.irman of the committee of
lege &.c.      claims.
Passed Dec. 15                                  No. 2.
1801.       REsoLvED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Jehu Chandler, the
In favor of J, sum of two hundred dollars, in part of the allowance which may be ouc bIm oil
Chandler.     the journal of accounts 1or printing the runing business of Lite house.
Passed Dec. 17                                 No. 3.
1821.       RESOLV ED, That William  Mofbt I.te sheriff r CociI county, be and he is here.
In favor of by released from tie payment of the nine per cent per annum, of the filteen per cent,
Win. Molit.  for interest chargeable on the principal stum' lue from  the said Mollit to the state,
on condition only, that the said William Moffit, :hall punctually pa tihe ti easurer
of the easte, n shore, o ur before the first day of April next, the principal sums
due to the state, with interest on the same at the rate of six per cent per annum,
from the respective periods at which by law the same are made payable to the trea-
Passed Dec 19,                                 No. 4.
1821.       RFsoLvrD, That th treasurer of the wertern shore be, and he is hereby direct.
In fsvoror ed to pay to Elizabeth L. Ga,saway, widow of the late general John Gasaway, of
Elizabeth L.  the ciiy of Annapolis, or to her uder,the sum ot thirty ei&ht dollars, being the a.
Ga.iaway.      msount of money due tier ltisibnd at the time of his death, ois account of the pen-
Sion allowed him for revolutionary services,
Passed Dec 20,                                  No. 5.
1821.       RrsoLvn, That a committee of ie-four on the part of the Senate and five
RelaIve to on the part of th , Ilouse of Delegates, be appointed to visit and inspect the Peri.
Penitentiary.  teitiary during the recess of the legislature, ard that they be requested to report to
this general assembly of Maryland, its ptrcsC tit situation, and the manner in which
it is conducted.
Passed Dec 21,                                  No. 6.
1821.       REsoLvED, That the Levy Coute of Anne Artindel county, b and they are
In favor ofWm hereby authorised and empowered to examine into the claim of W illiirs Balciniai
Ilateman.     of said county, and allow him such compensation as they may deem rcasoitibh aid
PassedDec 30,                                   No. 7.
1821.       RESoLVED, That the clerk of Anne Arundel county, he anti he is hereby an-
In favor of A. thorised and directed, to make a general Alphabet to the land recoids beloiging
Armtsdel coun- to the office of said county court, aid to have the same securely bound; and upot
ty clerk,     the completion of said work, the levy court of said county are hereby authoiised
and empowered to levy on the assessable property of said county, such sum of ma.
ney as the judges of Anne Arundel county court may certify to them to be a fair
Passed Jan 4, compensation to the sa.d clerk, for his services.
182Z                                       No. 8.
In favor ol Ca. *EsovED, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby autho.
thar in  itty. rised and directed to pay to Catharine Kilty, or to her order during life,in quarter.
........ .  ly payments,a sum of money equalto the half pay of a Captain, as a further conm-
p-nsation for those meritorious services rendered by her deceased husband Johnt
Passed Jan 7, Kity, during the revolutionary war.
1822.                                      No. 9.
In favor of1rhe-  RESOLVED, That Thomas Post, late sheriff of Washington county, be and he ig
mas Post,     het eby released from the payment of the nine per cent per annum, of the fifteen
per cent, for interest chargeable on the principal sums due from the said ''ho-
mas Post to the state, on condition only that the said Thomas Post shall punctual-
ly pay to the treasurer of the western shore, on or before the first day or July one
thousand eight hundred and twenty.two, the principal sums dud to the state, with in.

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