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An Act for the benefit of William West. 1821 119 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0073 and id is 1 raw text is: SAMUEL SPRIGG, ESQ.-GOVERNOR.

tending members, and minutes of the proceedings, shall be recorded Dee.Ses.1821.
in a book to be provided and kept for the purpose.
9. AND Bi Ir ENACTED, That the original subscribers in this  Otignal sub-
Company and their assignees, transferees and legal representatives, scribers, &c to
forev.er1shall l~e taken and considered to all intents and purposes as be members.
members of this company, and shall be entitled to and receive all the
rights, benefits and advantages arising from the same by all ways
and means whatever, in proportion to the amount of stock paid in,
or held by them respectively: Provided ahrvays, that no transfer Proviso.
shall be made, or deemed valid, unless it be to a citizen of the
United States residing in the state of Maryland, and entered in the
books of the company, in such manner as the president and direc-
tors shall prescribe.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall be and remain in Duration.
full force antl virtue until the year eighteenlhmdred and fifty, and
thence until the end of the next session of the general assembly
11. AND B. IT ENACTFD, That immediately on the expiration of Dhioluton.
this act, or the dissolutio. of this company, effiectual measures shall
be taken by the then president and directors, to close all concerns
thereof, and for making a final dividend of the capital stock and pro-
fits then remaining among the holders thereof, in proportion to their
zespecctive interests.
An act for the benefit of' 1tlliam   est.    Passed Feb. 19
'Sic. 1. Bil IT ENAc-rniD Byj the General Assembly oi7ilartyland That 1822.
of \orceter onat, h andlie s       Alla~y excport,
Nathan Gordev, oWocse        ony     eadleihrbyauthlor- c-
ised and empowered, to give to his son-in-law William West, of
'til state of Delaware, his manumitted servant Keziah; and the said
*Williani West, of the state of Delaware, is hereby authorised and
empowered to export and carry into the state of Delaware, the said
manumitted negro woman called Keziah, and her to retain as his
servant for and during the time of her servitude, without they or
either of them incurring the penalty of the act of assembly pas-
sed at November session eighteen hundred and ten, entitled, An
act relating to servants and slaves, and the act entitled, An act to
prevent the unlawful exportation of negroes and mulattoes and to
alter and amend the laws concerning run-aways, passed at Novem-
ber session eighteen hundred and seventeen.
2. AND dE IT NACTEC, That this law shall have no effect or  Evldence of
operation unless the said William West shall file among the re- manuniqsiort
cords of the county to which the said negro shall be removed as to be filled.
aforesaid, the evidence of the manumission of the said negro, and
file an atthenticated copy of such record from the said county
court of Worcester, within twenty daysafter such removal. Anil
if such records are not filed as aforesaid, the said William West
shall be liable to all'the pains and penalties provided by the laws
against those removing free negroes from this state.
CiAIwrtiR 174.
An act for the relhf of the Poor of Atune-.Arundel county, beinr Aod   tb. 20,
supplementary to the act entitled, An act Jbr the relief oj the  1822.
poor of the several counties therein mentioned.            Power; oftru3.
SEC. 1. Bt  IT HNACTtD Bj the GeneralAssembly of MarylandThat tees to cease.

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