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An Act to amend and reduce into one, the several acts of assembly relating to the public roads in Worcester county. 1821 66 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0066 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Dec. Sc'. 1821, good and valid in law to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any
Slaw, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Pasted Jan. 30, A fUrther supplentent to an act entitled, A supplement to an act enti-
1822.    ted, An act to provide for the opening and extension of Pratt-
Street in the city of Baltinorc.
Repeal.      Br. IT ENACTED Bt the General Assembl! of Z1tryland, That
the eleventh section of an act entitled, A supplement to an act'en-
titled, An act to provide for the opening and extension of Pratt-
Street in the city of Baltimore, passed at December session eigh-
teen hundred and twentv, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed 3hn. 30, All act to antend and reduce into one, the several acts of assembly rc-
IS22.             htn. to thepubefi roads in 1,orcester county.
Levy enurt to Sec. 1. B IT FNACTIU) By the GeneralAssenmbly of llfaryland, That,
ditile and   justices of the lev' court of 1W orcester count),, ort
reeid  putilic
roatIs-dis-  of them, he, and they are hereby authorised and required, at their
tricts.    first meeting *ln the year eighteen hundred and twenty-two, and at
their first meeting in each and every year thereafter, to describe,
ascertain and distinctly record, in a book to be provided for that
purpose, the several and respective public roads and high-ways in
said county, and to divide the same into as many districts as to the
said court shall seem meet and proper.
Supervisors.  2. Am) i  IT INACTEI), That the said levy court, or a majori-
t) of them, shall proceed to appoint a capable and suitable person
to each district, as supervisor of the said district of public roads,
and to signify the same to him by warrant, under the hand of the
clerk of said county, and the seal of office, according to the num-
ber and divisions of said roads, as the saame shall be ascertail.ed
upon their records; and the said justices may adjourn from time to
time until tile said roads shall be duly ascertained, and supervisors
appointed as aforcsaid.
Peronq ap-  3. AND liE lr IENACTED, That any person appointed a supervi-
pointed & iot sor in virtue of this act, and refusing to act as such, and comply
serving to be         uiite s t,       and        p t   sm      we
fined.      with tile requisite!- thereof, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty
dollars, to be recoverah:e in the name of the state, before any jUs-
tice of the peace of said county, anld applied by the levy court to-
Proviso.   ward defraying the county charges; Provided, That no one per-
son shall be compelled to'act as supervisor, on any of the public
roads more than one year in every three years, without his consent.
Death, rernsal,  4. A~N) 1.F IT NA (c;ri), h'lat if iy supervisor appointed un-
&e.--'recsor der this act, shall refuse to act, remove out of the county, become
-to be notifi-
ed.        disqualified, or (lie, it shall and may be lawful forany two jutstices of
the said levy court, to supply every such vacancy sohappening, by the
appointment of another suitable person to act as supervisor, under
the same penalties and regulations as if he had been appointed 1y a
majority of the said justices; and the said justices shall certify
every such appointment, unler their hands, to tile clerk of !Raia
count), within ten days thereafter; and the said clerk shall, within
ten days after being so notified thereof, issue a warrant to the per-
son so appointed, and deliver the same to the sheriff of the cbunty
aforesaid, to be by him delivered to the person so appointed, or

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