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An Act to authorise William G. Pemberton, of Charles county, to bring into this state certain negroes therein mentioned. 1821 11 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0059 and id is 1 raw text is: SAMUEL SPRIGG, ESQ. GOVERNOR.

Potter, John Runibol, Andrew S. Green, John Matthews and Dec Se, 1.21.
John Brown (of Solomon,) in as full and anmiple a manner as if
they had been appointed by tie act to which this is a supplenrent.
3. AND nr iT ENACTr.D, That all applications by, and on behalf Out pension-
of any person or persons desirous of being maintained out of the ers.
poor-house of said county, shall he made to one or more of the
truslces of the poor; and in case the said trustees or a rajority of
them, at their next mecting after such application, shall be of opi-
nion that the circumstances of the applicant are such'as to ren-
der a situation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable, the trus-
tees, or a mniaority of them, are hereby directed to recouimend such
applicant to the levy court of said counts,, and the said levy court,
or a majority of them, arc hereby authorised and empowered, (if
they shall be of opinion that the circumstances of the applicant
are such as to render a situation in tle Ipoor-hioue particularly un-
suitable) to levy a sum of money for the support of said appi -
cant, out of the poor-house, not er'ceeAling thirty dollars for any
one ai)plicant; Provided, That the number of the out pensioners ProviLo.
shall not exceed twelltv in any one year; and tle money so levied
shall be collected, as othuer monies art collected for the support and
maintenance of the poor of said county, and shall be paid to tle
out pensioners, or any other person whoni the levy court shall di-
rect, foe the support of said applicant.
4. ANi) Bn Er TENAcrT), That all those parts of the act to which Rpugnant act
this is a supplement, that are repurnant to, or inconsistent wtIth the repealed,
provisions of this act, he, and the same are hereby repealed.
An act.(br thebne'7t o1 James S:ith, qf Calvcrt county,.  '.sd Der. 31
Be   'r r.,A,(:'rrI By the General Assembly of Mariltnmd, That the  s2.
justices if the Levy Court of Calvert county, shall, and they are 030 rniv we le.
hereby directed anlempowered,at then'lev   i court annually, to levy vied annueliy.
on tht, assessable property of said county, so long as they shall see
cause, for the support anld maintenance of James Smith, of said
county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars; and the same
when collected shall be paid by the collector of said county, to him
or his order, for the purpose aforesaid.
CilArep. R 19.
An act to anthorse William G. J'u'mberton, of Charh's county, to bring pvstl Jan. 1,
into this state ceatain neqrocs therein mentzoned.   1S.
B1E IT FNACTED, By the General Assembly of ilaryland, That  a i:npirt
William G. Pemberton, of Charles county, he, and he is hereby au-a
thorised and empowered to remove and bring into this state, the fol-
lowing negro slaves to wit: Negro Judah, aged twenty-six years,
and her three children, William, Eliza and Anthony, and to hold
them as slaves, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, Proyzo.
The said William G. Pemberton, shall, within thirty daya, after the-
removal of the said negro slaves into this state, have thein register-
ed in the records of Charles county court; And Provided, That no-
thing herein contained shall be construed to authorise a sale of the
aforesaid negro slaves, or any of thei, within five years fiolm the
period of bringing in the same.

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