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An Act authorising Elizabeth Hoffman to remove her female negro slave from the State of Virginia into this state. 1821 5 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0056 and id is 1 raw text is: SAMUEL 'SPRIGG, ESQ.'GOVERNOR.
2. A~b nIm IT ENACTErD, That the said commissioners be and
Icy are hereby authorised, to make such order in the premises, as
,hall in thelrjudgment be most effectual to bring the case of the
'ald Amos Chapman and Joseph Chapman before them, and as
they shall deem most conducive to the design of this law.

Dee Ses 1821.
era may make

CHAPTiu 4.
• Ali act to alter and change the name of Piadison Smith Morris, of Passed Dec 11,
Baltinorc county, to that of Jlfadison Smith Slansbury.   1821.
Src. 1. BE IV ENACTM, By the General A.slsembly of M1aryland, Name changed
That the name of Madison Smith Norris, of Baltimore county, be,
afid the same is hcreby changed and altered, unto that of Madi-
on Smith Stanubury; and it shall and miay be lawful for the said
Madison Smith Norris at all times hereafter, to be called and known
iy, and hold and use the name of Madison Smith Stanshury, and
3y that name to sue anti be sued, in any court o law or equity. And
it shall and mity be lawful for the issue of' the said Madison Smith
Stansbury hereafter to be horn, to take upon themselves and each
of them, the stir-name of Stansbury, and the sur-namne of the said
Madison Smith Norris, shall he, and is hereby changed and altered
to the sur-name of Stanslury; and the issue of the said Madiion
Smith Stansbury, shr ' at all times hcreafter be called by and
liold and use the sur-name of Stansbury, and be from henceforth
called by the sur-name of Stanslury.
2. AND HE I'r ENACTEI), That all securities, promises, contracts, cecnrities, pro-
assturances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, made or domne, or miaes &c made
hereafter to be made and done, by or to the said Madison Smith valid
Norris, by the name of Madison Smith Stalisbury, shall be of the
same force and eirect, and equally avail, to all intents and purposes,
as if the name of Madison Smith Stansburv had been the true
and proper name of the .aid Madison Smith Norris from   his
birth; any law, statute or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Ali act authorisyMg Elizabeth FIl/f:an to reme her fJ'male neg'ro Passed Dec.I1
slavei om the State oJ, Vrh;tiia into this state.     1521.
S.c. 1. BL IT I.NACTEAD, By the General Assembly of 21iryland,  May import
That the said Elizabeth Hoffman, be, and she is lereby authorised her slave Bltty
and empowered, at any time within twelve months after the pas-
sage of this act, to remove and bring into this state, her femliale ne-
gro slave, named Betty, in the same manner as she might or could
have done at the time of her own removal into this state; any law
to the contrary thereof, in any' wise aotwithstanding.
2. AND HE T .1ACTEriD, 'hat the said li,'!i.abeth Hoffman, re- tered.
gister the said negro in the clerk's office for Frederick county court,
in the same manner as she by law would have been compelled to
do, had she have brought the said negro into this state, within one
year, after her removal from Virginia as afore.said.
3. ANliE i'r ENACTTD, lhat nothing herein contaied, Shi' b  Not   be
construed to enable tie said Eiizttl -lotf'lan, to sell or dispol Id under *
of said temale egro, within the term of three whole year; after the  .
passage of this act.

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