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Resolution passed February 5, relative to runaway negroes. 1816 237 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0036 and id is 1 raw text is: RESOLUTIONS.                                             07
who is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated money in tile Dec. Ses.1816
No. 66.                                   Passed Feb. 5.
iElsOLVED, That Henry Steiner, Stephen Steiner, and Lewis Green, he 1Respeeting
and they are hereby atithorised, under the direction of tile governor and coun- public bair
cil, to cause to he fitted up one of the rooms in the east wing of tile public rtcks in Fred.
barracks in Frederick-town, for the reception and sate keeping of the field- crick-town.
pieces of tile artillery company in said town ; anti to have the carriages of said
field-pieces repaired, and that the expense of tittng up said room, and. of such
repairs, lie paid by the treasurer of the western shore. upon the order of the
persons, or a majority of them, herein before named.
N.(. 67.                                  Passed Feb. 5.
Rras  o.v r n, That the resolution of November session, eighteen hundred and Relative to de-
I hirteen, antlorsing tile treasurer of the western shore to negotiate a loan not ficienve of
exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, aod also tile i'esolution of state fdnds.
December session, ei -hteen hundred and fourteen, authorishig tile same olficer
to negotiate a loan not exceediing thrce hundred and fifty thousand dollars, be
and tile same are hereby rclecled.
R.rSoihvrn, That the treasurer of tie western shore he and he is hereby an-
thorised and einpuwered, to negotiate a loan not exceeding twenty thousand dol-
lars, on such terms, and at such periods, as the governor and council shall
iapprove, and tile faith of tile state is hereby pledged for the repayment of tile
principal and interest thereof   N                                        Passed Feb.!5.
,te e net  68.                           Relative to
W      lRss, the cn coura Lie-lit given to negroes running away from their elt ti
Owners in this state, and tle harhooring the same by sundry citizens of tile unaway ti-
commonwealth of PensylVilhiA, and state of Delaware, has become a seriou groees.
inconvenicnce to the owioer's of slaves ; Therefore,
lit. IT ltcl'sOLV V 1) by tihe Gncrul Amnilmbe ll f Marylad, That the encourage.
mentgiven to,and tile harbouring and employing oh, runaway negroes from tiis
state, by .undrY ritizens or the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and state of
Delaware, has increased to such a degree, and the inconvenience arising there.
from to the good people of this state has becone so great, as to make longer
silence on thi:i subject on tile past of tile general .assembly of, laryland ink-
lr.esouvrin, 'l'hat the governor be authorised and required to transmit a copy
of the foregoing resolution to the executive (f tile comlnot)wealth of PCnnsVl-
vania, and the executive of tile state of )elaware, with a request that they will
lay the same before their respLetive legislatnres, in order that they may inter-
pose their authority, and inake such provisions to lirevut tie evil thus com-
plained of, as their wisdom andju.tice shall dictate.
No 69.                                  Passed Feb. 5.
Rasohxr.n, That the executive he and they are hereby directed, to forward Relative to
to tile clerks of tile several counties in this state, three copies of chancellor Kil- Kilty's Bri-
ty's compilation of tile British Statotes, for the rise of tile said counties,  tish Statutes.
RESOLVED, That George Shaw he and he is hereby authbrised and empow-
ered, to make sale.of the remaining number oh volumes of chancellor Kilty's
compilation of the British Statutes,together wit the copy light belomngingto the
state of Maryland ; and the said George Shaw, hefom'e he proceedsi to make
sale of any or thie said hooks, give hbonrfor thle Faithful litmforiamucme ofihis dut y,
to the state of  aryland, with security to be approved of by thle governor and
council, which bOnd shall lie lodged in the treasury of tile western shore ; and
thesaid George Shaw shall, alter hi h i-inc, given the said bond, proceed to dis-
pose of the said books, either by whlmolealle or retail, for such sum or suims as
may he obtained for tile sanme, and when a sale is made of the whole, or any part
thereof, he shall pay the antount of sales into the treasury, makhmx a deduction
of ten per cent.for his services.
No V0.                                   Passed Feb...
RrsoLvrn, That tile governor and council be and they are hereby anthoris- Relative to re-
ed, to direct the register of the chancery office to cause such record books as cord hooks in
are in a state of decay, helonging to tile chancery office, to le secured by rc- chancery
paiving ir rebinding theiln, and that they draw on the treasurer for such sum or office.
sulms of money as may be necessary to carry this reolution into eihect, and
that the treastrec pay'the same out of any unappropriated ilmOllry ill th treasu-
No. 71.                                   PasdFeh.:.
Rnso..o, That the treavrr of the wtel;nro shore. pay to Joint N. Wat. In avour of
kil., assistant clerk Io the senate, tle sum of fifty dtull.ari. Out of any unappro- assistant clerl;
priated soney in the treasury.                                           of Senate.

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