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An Act to empower Henry Howard, of John, of Montgomery County, to bring into this State certain Negro Slaves therein mentioned, from the State of Virginia. 1816 156 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0034 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Dec. Ses. 1S6 executors or administrators shall have remedy, by an action oi
-v      the case, for the recovery of any loss or damage they may be sub-
ject to, or suffer by the executor or ardmnistrator whose powers
shall have been revoked as aforesaid.
In recess of  5. A'nd be it enicted, That in the recess of the sessions of or-
court register phans courts the register of' wills in the several counties of this
way receive in-
vetoriecs, &c. state, upon application, may receive inventories arld accounts of
iaes, examine vouchers, and state guardian's executors and ad-
ministrators accounts, subject to the review and final passage or
rejection by the orphans court.
totake    6. And be it ctacted, That the registers of wills shall be and
11fobals againlst
deceaseids  are hereby authorised to take probats of accounts against deceaset!
estates,    persons cstates that are proper to be brought before then, or be-
fore the orphans court, for passage or settlement, in the respective
counties in which they act as registers, and toreceivc six and one
quarter cents for each prob.at so taken.,
CltAPrER 204.
Passcd Feb. 3. Au act to provido for the 'Payment of the Loans made by
tile State.
Trustce a,-   Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Aqssembly of Jlaryland,
thoriscd to
transfcr stock. That Benjamin Harwood, trustee for tho state, be. and he is
hereby authorisc.d and directed, to. transfer to such of the. balks
and individuals who have Ia:ted money to the state uder a re-
solution of May session, one thousand eight hundred andu thir-
teen, so nch ofthe e.change six percent. stock or the, United
States of eighteell hundred and twelve, as will timounlt to thcir
respective claims as aforesaid.
No transrer to  -. .ad lie it ciaclcd, That the truste.e. as aforesaid shall not
be made unless be authorised, Uitle' this act, to inake any transfers ts ali'resaid,
stock is re-  unless steh hanks and individuals are. willin. to receive the said
c .vcd at par. stock at tile highest mnarket price, but not less tlhai par, in thi
discharge of their respective claims ; and that the trustee pro-
coed ian mediately after the passag9 or this act, to nn)tilr the re.
spective hanks or individuals having claims as afoiresaid, of his
readiness to transfer ; and if any bank should refuse or neghc.t
to receive the transfer at the highest market price at the time of
such notice, then the trustee is hereby anthorised to sell the sante
at the highest inark et price, hut not less than par, and to apply
the proceeds of such sales to the payment of tile said several
claims.                                            st
Passed Feb. 3. An act to emipower Henry Howard, of Johs, of Mont-
goniery County, to bring into this State certain Negro,
Slaves therein mentioned, from the State of Virgitina.
Authoriscd to  Sec. 1. Bc it cnacted by the Gencral etssemably of Jlarydatd,
bring .ave4  That Henry Howard, of John, be, and lie is hereby authorise
intO thy '.te. [tll enpowered to' -rove, im1port, and bring into this state, at
ally time withi one 'year 'after tile passage or this act, two ne-
gro slaves, by the llames of Bill and Minia, which lie becaue ios-
sessed of ita right of his wif', as he inay now have a bona ,fide
absilute right nntto, anid which slaves, or tile niother ir iillthters
of which slaves, shall have been a re:idenlt or residents of the4

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