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An Act to provide for the Administration of Justice in Cases of Crimes and Misdemeanors in the City and Precincts of Baltimore. 1816 143 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0033 and id is 1 raw text is: CIIARLES RIDGELY, (OF IIAMPT.) ESQ. GOVERNOR.                 14S
CIIAPTER 193.                        Dec Ses.iSt6.
An act to provide for the Adf'iinistration of Justice in Cases
of Crimes and Misdemeanors in the City and Precincts Passed Feb. 3i
of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it cnacted by the General .sscmbly of Jaryjland, Judgei tole
TL'hat from and after the first day oPMarch lnext, the trihl and appointed for
coglnizalce or all 'clonies, and other cries, ofrliICes and inisde- the city court.
hich is to t
meanons, and other matters arising within the city aund precincts vested with all
or i]altinore, which are at this time cognizable by the Court of tie powers of
Oyer amd Tereiner and Gaol Delivery for Baltimore County, court of oyer
shall le inqaired into, heard, tricd and determined, within the
said city and precincts, as follows ; that is to say, tle gOvelnor,
by aid with tie advice and consent of the concil, shall issau a
colnmission to three Iersons of integrity, experience, and sotlid
legal knowledge, residing within the city or' precincts of. Balti-
iUOIT', one (Of whoin iihall be styled in the said connissiol Chief
Judge of Baltimore City Court, and the otlher two shall be
styled in the said commission, Associate Judges (if the said con't ;
and the said Chier Jtadge and Associate Judges shall hold their
coiissioiis uitiing good behaviollr, ieilIkOVablo accolding to
the constitution of this state, and not otherwise ; and from and
alter tile issuing said commission, all the powers, ijrisdiction,
and authority, vested in, and now held and exercised by, thl
Court of Oyer and Teriner and Gaol Delivery fIr Baltimore
County, or he justices thereof, within the said city anti lrecincts,
shall be and are hereby vested in, and may be rightfimlly exer-
cised by, B:'ltinore City Coirt, or thejodges thereof.
2. .Sad be it enacted, That on tile comneImeement of this act To decideall
ail canses, pleas, process and proceedings, depending in the claims now
Court of Oyer and l'o'ertiner and Gaol Delivery fot Baltihore pending in
q,( tl lie heard tl  I     ,l •' ti .              court of over
Cokm:ty, .hll heard, tried and dctelined, beor.' thj I tzces  t  
appointed and commissioned in virttc o' this act ; and that all
process which hath been issued or shall issue froin the Court of
Oyer ar.| Te'rmniner and Gol Delivery for Baltimore Cojity,
ret,,rnablo to the next terin of tihe said couirt, and all recotizall-
ces which lave beeni, or shall be taken, returnable to the next
terlm of the said courit, shall be retilril'ed to the first teril of tile
court to be hoidell uider this law.
3. Jnd be it enacted, That the judges of Baltimore City Cm't, To appoint a
shall appoint a fit and proper person, as clerk to the said commmt, cKa:.
who dtall r'ceive into his custody all the records, books amnd pro.
ceedings, now renlaiin ill tihe ollice o tile clerk or Ihe, Court of
Oyer and Termniner anld Gaol Delivery for Baltim'ore Couty,
anid who shall lie entitled to receive the Sale, fees as alrc now Ill-
lowed by law to tile clerk of the Cort of Oyer andtl Terinine
and Gaol Delivery for Baltimore county.
4.  nul be it etcted, That the clerk of the Court (W ()yet and Pie;*nt Oe
Tel'miner' anid Gaol Delivery for Baltimlore Couity. shall lie to be i, oflice
1111111 ntIewt ap.
clerk o' the said Baltimore City Court, until tile aplpoilituillt of ,,,i .n....
a clerk, as herein .before directed, shall have been iltlade by Ieh
juidtges of tile said hast mentioned court.
5. .-I  be it enacted, That all that part of Baltimore county, Limits of cty
which lies within the following lines, shnill be decnmed, takci anid ptccinct-;.

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