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An Act for the benefit of James Morrison senr. of Alleghany county. 1814 32 (1814)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0023 and id is 1 raw text is: 32              LAWS OF MARYLAND.
Dac. Sass. David Shriver such costs as they may adjudge reasona-
ist.   ble.

PAsed Jan IL,
h;otons or re-
jitioi1 on ap.
real,  depen-
flin nia' be
considered and
i,ted upon.

CIIA, , In :3S.
An aet relative to c.,es ot the Court off Appeal,.
VI EREA.S, the court of appeals at. eilt'  et ssio;,
in consequnce or the iidisposition of cotom  l, and for,
certain other cause', found it necessary to lix Ipon the
second lMonday in Jme next, to meet y :tky tdjourlimet
for fnihihing the business : And WhcrCas, 'in c, tiscqilcle
Of that perTod being snubsequent to ti  last   ;   londay of
May, it may be doubted whether the said court widi have
power at that time to reccive and gr;,int aly motion t'r
t'trtier  arlllenl,  or  other  IuatLtr  rdt i  It) any  ap-
real on vhich they decided, ant! which might have been
card and granted Luring the ,aid t rm, had Ohe eurt
continued in session, as they mouhd have done had it not
been for the causes aforusaid.
Se. 1. BE I 1' '1i1HlRAFORElI ENAITEI) by the
General Asse!,ly 4,f1 Al,,'v/:tOn, Thal . e said court of
appe&t wnhe Ivy si;ial nve.t n1, ez For the decision of the
unfinished bsiscuss, shall have lWui power anti atihoniy to
riicelvc an I act ipnn an tnmotion or 1.titi,,l, which shall be
made or pr s ntel to Ilicle, reluti-o to ailly' of the Sil up
peals which wvre dIri  ding )efo, e! them at their last ses.
sioii, in tho same matl 'las II stlii motion had been made,
or petition preseted, durinug the said session, and before
their adjourtumet.

Pssnd Jan.               c IAI.fI'I t9.
, 15         su icut to the uc entitled, 9 an act to etablish t
ba't 'n tIe city 0 laitimorc, to be called the Ciy Bunk
oJ LBatinere.
'ividcnda may  bee. i. lAt  I' ' NACTIED b1 the Generat Asscm':
be paid.   bly of Ma,1rylJand, That the directors of the itty Batik of
B t tmore or ai majority of them, are hereby authorlsed
and empow.red, at their discretion, to pay to such of the
snoukeoldl'.s of said bank, or to any of them, as may have
failed to pay into said batik any instalment or instal-
,n1't1n detmTnded or required by the provisions of the act to
which this is a supplement, such dividend or dividends
upon the money actually paid into said bank by such
!-1,ckho!der or stockholders, as such stockholder or stock.
holders would have been entitled to, provided said in-
stalment or instalnents had not been demanded or re-
quired ; any thing in the said original act to the contrary
notwitlst ..:jding.

Pa;3w ,I!n.
I &, 1815.
May import a
tar or i!aV5.

A4l actjor the benefit o' .UIjCs Aforrison senr. of Alle-
'hany county.
See. 1. BE IT INACTED by the General Assem-
blY( f .1luryland, That James Morrison senr. of Alic-

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