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An Act to incorporate the City of Carrollton. 1859 219 (1859)

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their carrying or obtain a license to that effect from the Mayor, after paying the amount of
busines.      such taxes  as the Board of Trustees may  have imposed  by  virtue of the
Ordinances may power vested in them.
be passei for the Src. 22. Be it further enacted, &c., That the Board of Tiustees shall
good governmnent ,ot
ant regrlation o have power to pass such ordinauces, from time to time, as they may deem
persons enunier. necessary for the good government and regulation of the persons enumer-
d    s si n-ec rated in the prcceding section ; they shall also have power to provide for
this et, sand o the punishment of Vagrants id  disorderly persons who may  be found  in
other clace,; or
persmoni.    the day  or night time disturbing the public peace, by fine not exceeding
tsunont fan! one  hundred and fifty dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding forty-eight
turbing pubio hours without a hearing, and  oine week after a legal hearing.
  Ab re punish. Src. 23. Rde / furdher enacted, &c., That the power Vested in the Mayor
nont  ) to oxend in the above sectionl as to punishiment, shall extend to all offenses com-
to all oifle~
agalint tie town Iintied ngaiist ti1e coporato ordinances.
orUinceI .;  Swc.   24. Be  it furiher enacted, ¶-c., That, the Mayor shall have power to
be recalled and rceall and annul any license that he may have granted by virtue of this
inl  oin   act, dwiein froin the disorlorly and outrageous conduct of the party, the
             peace  and good  gormlilient of tie townyi require it.
  Vealicy r .    Ec. 25. 11c ;I Aurher enacted. 4-c., That in case of the death or resir-
offic o0fitMor by    -.     ,   u//c
d ath or re On ntid 1 onii of thle Mayor, a inw election shall be ordered by tie Board of Trus-
on,%roi-d for Ioes, Iaild condiucted il in tle xinle waV as the .1 av election, within twelity
or  nrovidt'i 1r., days froln smid resignaioin or demise. That in the absenco of the Mayor
             ioine of the 'r isti- sIll Ibei ciosenll to p reside at the meeting of the Board:
             Projvided, A quorum 1Oi of th Trusto s be present-four Trustees shall make
  P'roviso.  a quoriln.
  Votes to te re. 'Sc. 26. Be it iirther enacted, &c., That ini all cases when an appro-
corded when a- priation is made or a tax levied, the vote shall be recorded.
mropriatioll-i aro .
Made or a  rax le ;Nl1c. 27. Be it further enacted, &c., That all laws or parts of laws, con-
ved.ao       trary to the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed,
tain laws.   and  that this act  take effect from and after its passage.
le  eiffect.    SaEc. 28. Be it further enacted &c., That in order to carry this act into
             eflct without inconvenience  to the public good  of said town  of Monroo,
  Stat in tl inaln  t is hereby declared that all the laws and ordinances of the said town ini
and amfairs of the force at the tie of this act becoming a law, and not inconsistent there-
l own, until  tile
oflcer provided withl, shall continue in force as if this act had not been passed; and all of
for by this3 act be the officers of Said town in office previously to the first election of officers
ffoted and quali, under this charter, shall remain in office until the new officers under this
             act shall be duly qualified ind no longer.
                                                   WM.  W.  PUGH,
                                         Speaker  of the House  of  Representatives.
                                                   WM.   F. GRIFFIN,
                                                           President of  the Senate.
               Approved   March  17th, 1859.
                                                  ROBERT C. W10KLIFFE,
                                              Governor   of the State of Louisiana.
               A  true copy.
                    ANDREW  S. HERRON,
                         Secretary of State.

             No, 271.]                        AN  ACT
                                   To incorporate the City of Carrollton.
               gECTION 1. Be  it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
   pora     the State  of Louisiana, in. General Assembly  convened, That the territory

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