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An Act supplementary to an act entitled An Act relative to crimes and offenses . 1859 87 (1859)

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             which  shall minutely describe every tract, square and lot of ground with-
             in the incorporated limits of the city, tog-ther with a proper general index
             to the same.
        Sto     SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, L'c., That after said book of plans shall
 tr scr rair y have been completed, it shall be the duty of the Surveyor of the city to
 inol Icoi.  cause to be transcribed daily, from the certificates of the Recorder of Con-
 or rIjli.in reVA veyances of the parish of Jefferson, into said book, all changes of own-
 ay          rdhip wihich may take place of real property situated in said city, together
 divLiou theror-f. with all divisions and sub-divisions of said real property, either by
 i         r.  ivate or judicial sale, or otherwise, and it shall be the duty of said Re-
 such ciango.. corder of Conveyances to furnish said certificates as soon as recorded in
             his oflice.
  ieron   li-   Sgc. S. Be it firther eied,  4-c., That each and every person owning
  lug proiwry for a tract, square or lot of' ground situated in the city ofJefl'erson, and who
  sair to .hlol shall divide or sub-divide the same, for the purpose of making sale of the
  With tile urvev.
  or an thereof, whole, or any part thereof shall, before making said sale, deposit in the
  subjet  oil th office of the city Surveyor, and be approved by the Council, a true plan
  ('ouuil's .uppru.
  val.       of said division or sub-division.
  hot if ulcor- SEc. 9. Be it farther enact d, 4-c., That it shall be the dity of the
  ioec rnugie Recorder of Conveyances, before Recording  in his oflice any sale of pro-
    t   - l nleg. perty, as recited in the above section, to require of the vendor a certificate
             -frorn the Surveyor, showing that a plan of the property thus intended to
             be sold has been deposited in his office and approved by the Council ; and
             each and every  time said Recorder shall fail or neglect so to do, lie shall
             for each said ftiluro or neglect, forfeit and pay the suin of one hundred
             dollars to said city, to be recovered before any court of competent juris-
  CPrhiu laws rt SFc. 10. Be it further enacted, 4-c., That all laws or parts of laws conflict-
       thna aing with  the provisions of this act le, and the same are hereby repealed,
 tas ee L    and  that this act shall take eflect from and after its passage.
                                                   WM.   W.  PUGH,
                                          Speaker  of the House of Representatives.
                                                   WM. F. GRIFFIN,
                                                           President of the Senate.
                Approved  March  15th, 1859.
                                                    HOBilET   C. WICKLIFFE,
                                                Governor  of the State of Louisiana.
                A true copy.
                    ANDnEW  S. HERRoN,
                           Secretary of State.

             No. 11L.]                       AN   ACT
             Supplementary to an net entitled An Act relative to crimes and offenses, approved March
                              fourteenth, A. 1., eighteen hindred atid flity-tive.
  Alliical pe-  SECno  1.  Be it cnacted by the Seiiate and House of Represeitatives of the
  nal olleisL, neule!
  to tie at aprov. State of Louisiana, in Gneral Assembly convened, That in addition to the
  C1 181!. vatJ, crimes and offenses enuineratee in the act entitled  An Act relative to
  155, In witi:           -
  G oonhoard of crimes and offenses, approved March fourteenth, A. D., eighteen hundred
  ally vesei to altl(             e   ,     1 1       1   nuiloluio    ft
  .an  -f ti of and fifty-five, it shall be, and is hereby iado a penal offense, for any master
.crew or omIcers or keepec of a boarding house for seann, any servant, agent or other por-
  ?eoSrravithou son in their employ, any broker, shipping master or other person engaged in
  econ.sent of tin the business of p1ocuring or furnishing sea1en for vessels, or any person or
  master or com -erSOoS Whoso objetis to cc
  manding oilker; perSOD Wt00OietI  O  RS    ny person composing a part of tho oflicers

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