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An Act relative to roads, levees, ditches, bridges, and the powers of police juries relative thereto, in the parish of Lafourche. 1858 184 (1858)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0457 and id is 1 raw text is: No. 266.]                      AN ACT
Relative to roads, levees, ditches, bridges, and (ie povers of police juries relative thereto,
in the parish of Laounehie.
rN-wers  con-  Sectriox 1. le it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
rnrml i iolk'' the State of Louisiana, in General Assemby convrence, That the Police
tryrI.c lee  Jury of the purish of Lafourcho shall have anzd eercise unilimiited control
lfl'  it'.  W
1.rl.I'::-.  a nd jurisdiction over all Ilie roads, levees, ditches, and bridges within
its respective limits, aid tfor that purpose is authorized to pass all laws,
ordinanices, and resolutions they ma     n k't necessary relative thereto,
and to impose such tines and penialties and enforeo the saie, as it may
deem expedient, to be enfreed by indietament or information, or by
ordinary process, bfore any co-urt tif competent Jurisdiction, ini the
itame oi thle Police Ju rY, as the said h vdy may ordain and establish.
neilauivy  t  SEc. 2. 13c it Arihtiher enaced, &e., That, the Police Jury shall have
sure.        power to determine wheni notit'es shall or shall not lee ieessary, and to
direct inl what manner notice shall be givenl ti resident tnd nio-resident
proprietors, inl relation to works to Ie donllle ti their roads, levees, ditelies,
aildi brIlges.
Reordi ifpR.  SEC. 3. Ihe it joitffhr e:4ttetcly &r., rivi tll  l ,it4am.  or  eiftlisitiois,
rt I*it ll. Contract ti perlbriII, or adjldieation of works to le done to) roads, levees,
ditches, bridges, or other publie wtirks, it shall Ille thi Iity of tle ollicer
inakinig the reIluisitiin, tior contract, or aijudliatili, to draft a proces verbal
of such reqitsition, Cofintract, ior adiljudiation, twl] to vause tile same to)
ie rpecorded ill tlt- moirteae Illice of* ti parish, whicih sihall olI'ati' as
Feizure m 1, a lioneI an1d privilege Oil the In.it l; and in case of' 1no1.-paymient the nider-
iil uli i aker or ui ndertakers, separati4ly or  llectively 1s thiy may elect, shall
 x. entitled t) anl oler of q.lxur and Sal, whi'tever miy  e the ailouniit
of tle claim, from   tille Distri' t J1dge, 1111)upon presenitatiini of such
praes redial tis recorded unnexed  in the petition, together with the
onth o1 fo oile of th1, parties plaiitiffs, s'.howinlg tll! aloillit dute, anid
thle certifriate or tih, iispctor siiwing the litortmanuc  of the work.
lin Caste ofno-rsien it shall bev thel dulty ofl the( Judge too appoint an
aIttorliey i) rVpre'SeIlt tl l-rSi t, 1111111 whom servic .shall Ie inio
as prevei(d the in   iiI     l e t'  roediiigs by the Code (if Practice, which
attornieyi' shall e eititled ti such compi'hesation -,;c the Judge ay assess
in his thvor, lit hll 1:1XixI as part.   of till cests; I'roruidt, It shiall not
4eXce(e di ltv 411111's. Thlte ordier of sv'ir.r  w11111 sale to he exemted by
ihe! Sherill' of tle 11161 ish without th  liiit of appraisinent, in the
saint' manuair and stiljit t) th .sun' 11thrinalit Ies us in ordinary cases of
neaii n.iiioi.  SEC. 4. ec it furdicr enacted, olx., That the holier l'ry snhall have
ni whmi ad*i'  power to make it rquisitio 011 1W lif f! p's olls as well 88 slaves, WIhl
the circumstiices require it.
'iihiandrdit  SEC. ).e it fafirtler lirrtcd, ti., That tll- proiaYs rerh'l' , e0it'acts,
ivn o irti' andl certifiales 41f le nil inspectors, shl lit   iitled it  full faith aid Cr'dit
,liiutur'it.  ill all vom rts it' Hs ill pilisi ui  I af  11 i IPi .
recreeniavrn  Swe. 0. Be it /)rther enicted, d't'., That whou..vir any workA onl roads,
so se   . h  levees,       , itbes, Irilg('s, an1d11 other pliclii  works, shall hac ve I  mv'1 Iiade
crancases    at the expense of the parish, it shall le lawrild fth Ithe Polic l 1J1ury to s.o
the person for whose account the works or repairs were made, in any of
the methods pointed out by law, and to obtain the reimbursement of' tihe
said amount by privilege m1d preference over all otiher creditors on the
lald lulbject to the works.


ACTS OF 1858.

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