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An Act to incorporate the town of Grand Coteau, in the parish of St. Landry. 1855 28 (1855)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0410 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 28 )
When this Act to  SEc. S. Be if further enacted, &c., That this Act shall take effect
take effect.   front and after its passage.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approved, February 27th, 1855.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy,
Secretary of State.
No. 35.1                    AN ACT
To incorporate the ton i of Grand 'oteau, in the parish of St. Landry.
SicTox 1. He it enarted by!/ the Senate and Ilouse of Repre-
sentatives of the Slate of Louisiana in General Assembly con-
Flection of Town cened, That all the free white nale citizens of the United States, and
Cotnail of Srand o     tate of Louisiana, above the age (if twenty-ote years. who shall
have resided in the parish of St. Landry six months previous to the
passige of this Act, and who, at the time t its passage, shall reside
within the limits hereinafter described, he and are hercby authorized
to meet on the first, Monday of May next, and if the election should
not take place ot that d:iv, then the said election shall take place on
the followiig .iMouday, and ot the first Monday in May in each and
evelv year n      tui , the putrpot e of electing five lve rsons, who shall
citiluteI a body politic :.1 corporate, uider the Ianite and title of
Who are elicite a  Twn  tunil of 1:1114 Cote:il, but no one shall le eligible utnless
neiibers of councl. le ik a citizeli of the VniteId Stales, and of the State of Lotiisiana,
and tesiides within Ithe limtits' said town, anId moreover posSess there-
ill a ta'able InopetyI t.o he valuation of three hundred dollars, and is
above twett-one ytaris of age.
tinit of Corpora-  St:. 2!.  1h it fifther Init ed r,  That the limits of said town
nn.           oi (rand Cowain Shll e as follows, vi:  It shall have otte mile and
a half in lenthe-,, friou iast lii wi:t. ad one Itile itn width, froit unrth
to south of which the Catholic Chitrlh shall be the centre; that is to
siy, it sIall have three-quirtert0s of a mile oint the east and wes-t froit
of the said clittch, aindl a half mil oil the north and west front of said
Manner of caning  SIc. 3. Be it fai'/t  enacted, &~c.. That the aforesaid election
and holding eectioti. shall be held, \iz : The tist at the St. Louis Exchange, and the elsut-
itn election at such place as miay be designated by said corjporation.
Sail d elet ion to be held by ballot, nd the ballot box shall be kept open
fromt tin o'clock, A. M., until four o'clock, o. ., tuder tIte supeLrii-
tendence of lie tiJustice of the Peace of the foirth ward of the parish
of St. Latdry, or any Iter Justice of the Peace of the saiiI parish in
hik absencee or itialility, assisted by two respectable inhabitaits of the
said parish. And it shall be the duty of said Justice of the Peace to
give ntioie of aid election itn Fretli and Etnglish, it least tett days
previous to said election, by advertisements posted at three or more
of the most Iblic places ; and the five who shall obtain the largest
number of votes slall be declared duly elected  emutbers of the Council
i)f the town of Grand Coteau, and shall continue in office during one

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