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An Act relative to the Revenue of the State. 1828 156 (1828.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0142 and id is 1 raw text is: 156
legislature such statenient as afoeidethn the said coftpany
aiRporationshall be considered as disiolved.
camm  on. See ,-6. dad be itf!her enacted, That as soon as one. hun-
era to give no- die d shares shall have been sub ofibed for, of the capital stock
tice.     of 'aid com'any, the commis.sioners, or a majority of them,
.appo ted in pursuance of this act, shall notify the subscribers
by advertisemet-s to be inserted i6' one of the newspapers
published at .Donaldson-.ille, to meet at stich time and place
as they hialll designate for the purpoe of electing five direc-
tors to administer the atfairs of said'company.
Speaker of thejHouse of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Approved, February 7th, 1829.        DERBIGNY,
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
No. 50.
AN ACT-relative to the.Reveone of the State.
Asessors to  Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representy-
administer an fzies of the tate of LoIsiana, in, General .'ssenbly con-
oth.     .ened, That it hall be the duty of the assessors, and they are
hereby kinpowered, to administer, in all cases, an oath to the
owners or 'others giving a list of their taxable property, in the
following words: viz. I, A. B. do solemely sweair that tbe
list of taxable property I have. now given, is a full and true
one; to the best of my knowledge; so help me God.'
Penalty or 'Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, That any owrier of slaves or
making a falgo his agent, who shall Make to the assessors of his parish ak e
declaration, declaration of the number of .slaves owned by him, or liy the
Perison for whom lhe is agent, shall be subject, in addition to
the penalties niow'prescribed by the existing,(aws, for eich
slaVe owned, find omitted inr his declaration, to a fine which
shall not be kss than twenty-five dollars, and which shall not
exceed fifty dollars, recoverable before any Court of compe-
tent jurisdiction, one half for the use of the State. and the
other half for the use of the parish wherein the false declara.
tion shall have been made,
S   Se. 3. Be it further eniacted That in* case any one shall
perJury.  knowingly, under oath, give -to an assessor'a false return or list
of taxable property, he shall be liable, u on due conviction
thereof, to stiffli the pains and penalties af peijurY, indeperIl
dent of the fine imposed byfihis act.

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