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An Act to dispense certain slaves therein named with the age required by law for the emancipation of slaves. 1824 42 (1824.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0106 and id is 1 raw text is: parishesof'St.' Martin and .afayette proportioningthe
amount paitble to each Parish, by the same rn 40i as
the amount furnished liy each parish foi the parish tax
for the.year 182,
.D ~j~ ~'Sect. 5. And be it further enacted.; That the distri-
4. the tax bution oT the direct tax due to the state by  said par-
tweife, isli of St. Martin prevaif's to its'division, be as follows:
.twp~parishe rriTe .paiish of St. Martin. shall 'pay one thousaud'and
sixty dollars and the parish of ILafaye'te  h.ill pay six
hundred and forty dollars. any thi,,g in the act entitled
cAn act to regulate the assessment of the land- tax,
approved, Januaiy 30th, 1815, to the contrary notwith-
Bonds to  ,ect. 6. And be it further enacted; That the sher-
be given by ifs of said parishes of St. ltartin and Vafilyete, Shall
Sherifre. in future, previous to entering on the duties of their of-
fices give bond vith at least tWo suflicient securities,
freeholders of their parishes, in the sai kmanner and
form as heretofore prescribed, the sheriff of the pIrish
of St. Martin in the sum of, five thousand dollars and
the sheriff of the parish of 1 afayette in the sum of four
thousand dollars, any thing in the act entitled: An act
to regulate -the appointient of sheriffs and for other
-purposes' approved 25th March, 1823, to the contra-
ry notwithstanding.
Approved, 'February 25th, 1824.
AN ACT To dispense certain slaves therein named with the age
required by law for the emancipation of slaves.
Authoitza-  Sect. 1. Belit enacted by the Senate and House of
tion toeman. Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General
Cipte Yla- Assembly convened; That the heirs and executors of
ria Sylva&
Joseph   1the Widow B. Thomas, be and are hereby authorised
to ern.acipate Maria Sylvia and Joseph her son, after
the usual publication, if no opposition is made to said
emancipation, by those having an interest therein, after
the time prescribed by law
Phitppe Eu     Sect.   .1Je it further enacted; That Carlier  d u-
gene.                       It is 'yife,residing inthe.piarish of
*           Ascensionorbeand.they are hereby, authOrised to Ma

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