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An Act to provide for certain payments, and for other purposes. 1812 128 (1812.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsla0051 and id is 1 raw text is: .itatenentbf the       -jenu  i e'penditnrs of th
ceding yer; as also the wnouilt 4nd hituation of ahe
prqojVty belohging to or claiind jr said hospital.
SECT. 5...sedu be it furher cuacted Thit Ila uao
.AAditionaa rty of allthe iie11i  lie sid Botuicil shall b
powers.    and with the. 6onscii of tOil governor haiv povei to
loan, tortgage purcfia%, lease or tent ih a nnae
which may to thenm  licai the most adVt aet IS td
said instituldon  and Z1s6 to sell so iiuch of said pro.
pk.-ty as Iy be necessaiy to piurchiae bi' bul d aln
hospital sutale jo aiswerc the piirposes w i. Whid iii
ieali    . SECT. 6 ..4>zd  c  fnthr evnacted, Thlt HIl lawi
clause*    or pi'vsiosof laI, contrai'y to the tor of this  c
shall be and are hercr re ealed.
Syea ker of thre houe of resntativee
Presidnt of the senate.
PP OVED, March 17th, 181.
G .vernor- of the statc of Louisiamt:
To provide for certain pa'necnts, and fir-other pu.r.
Sicr. 1. Bb it enacted by the seiate and house of
representatives qf the-state qf Louiaina, in fcncral
a.cnily cohvcned. That tle treasurer bf the state
t4Dorville. shall he ard lie is hereby authorized to pay to Joseph
Dorvillk the st of threc hundred dollais, as a re-
inuneration for the negro slave Lengli, killed whilst
run away, out of the public funds not otherwise ap.
SpCr 2.  And be it further evacted, That it shall
. Layme be the duty of thy state treasurtr to pay to John Lay.
ses and J. meses and John Grounx the sum of five hundrcd dol.
Grounx.    lars, out of the finds of the treasury not othervise
appropriated,. as a remuneration for the'negro slave.
Henry belonging to them, sentenced to death, and
whose punishment has been commuted by the gover-
nor into a perpetual imprisonment, provided Ihat the
said John Layimeses and Jol  Grounx shall sign a
deed of §'ale of said negro Henry to the governor oP
the state of Louisiana for the use of this state
David     SEcT. 3. Ind be it further enacted, That David,
Todd;      Todd duly elected member of the house of repre sen-
tatlves of the territory of Orleans from thecounty of
Opeloupas, shall be and he is hereby autho ized to

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