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An Act to amend the laws allowing fees to Justices. 1857 vol. I 5 (1857)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0764 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF KENTUCKY.

AN ACT to amend the laws allowing fees to Justices.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky:
§ 1. That section one, article eleventh, chapter thirty-
three,* of the Revised Statutes, be and the same is hereby
amended, so as to allow to Justices, and other like offi-
cers, for issuing a certificate that there is reasonable
cause to suspect a slave, brought before him for that
purpose, as a runaway, twenty-five cents; for issuing a
precept, commanding the taker up to deliver such slave
to the Jailer of his county, or to the owner of such slave,
twenty-five cents; that the owner of such slave shall not
be entitled to the possession thereof until the fees for such
certificate and precepts are paid.
§ 2. This act to take effect from its passage.
Appivoved January 2, 1858.
*This bhould be chapter 38, Revised Statutes, 350.
AN ACT to cbange the April and October terms of the Clarke County
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky:
That hereafter the April and October terms of the
Clarke County Court shall be held on the fourth Mon-
days in said months, agreeably to law, instead of the
times now required. This act shall take effect from its
Approved January 2, 1858.
AN  ACT for the benefit of the Clerks of the Circuit and County Courts of
this Commonwealth.
Be it enacted by the General A.,sembly of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky:
§ 1. That the further time of two years, from the pas-
sage of this act, be allowed to the several Clerks of the
Circuit and County Courts of this Commonwealth, or
their personal representatives, to list and collect their
§ 2. That the same time be allowed to the late Clerks
of Circuit and County Courts, now out of office, or their
personal representatives, to list and collect their fees.
§ 3. That nothing herein contained shall exempt any
Clerk from the penalties now fixed by law for issuing il-
legal fee bills: And provided also, That any clerk, or rep-
resentatives of a clerk, who may wish to avail himself

Chapter 38, ar-
ticle 11, section
1, Revised Stat
utes amended.
Justiees' fee for
certificate of a
fugitive stave.

Two years al-
lowed Clerks to
collect fees.
Same to Clerks
out of Oflice.
No exemption
for issuing ille-
gal fee bills.

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