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An Act for the benefit of John A. Chism, of Monroe county. 1836 40 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0291 and id is 1 raw text is: 40                            LAWS 01 IENTUCKY.
1837.     said tract of land, from lite forfeitures nroresaid, by plying Into
the Teasury so 1uu1' as Us jtiv i111%v he (lit tliereon, for tih  tax-
c.i for tie .,iid .everal e Is afblc(.lid, regardling tl~C .lme as
one tract of lhnd-For remc idy whereof,
Be it  n'uled !, ' Iqk, ('enemral .itm ,  q Iof1c 0, mmon-
ealt h n/iA oId afuhy,, ''hat (lie, said John [. Ibid, e.gcs and Georgo
M[ny redeemn  - 1IassIinor shamll hv, an(I they I'are lere hy a 'thorize(I 1 and per-
anud  frfited          11
for  ii..-Iiny- Miff(d to idee,m ihe .aid Iract of land hertil ahov'e described,
ment of Iaes. lifoa tie ibrlfCil les a lbre,:id, resilt ling from a b itlihlre to pay
tile laxes thereoln flor l he .yia;its i7.,, tI  tl (, year 1.7,95 iiclht-
sive, by paiyiig into te Trieasury if' this ( 'emo(inweli lthl, .o
iiuli a1s rtiv ima oi'  l(1 ile ln  wsid IId(rct of hin(I for tile
taxes of the y  ,iillforcs:iid, Iegariding (i salie as hi)ll one traet
of lanl, aind sulbject to but oille e lntry for t;xalion; ind tie Alu-
ditor of' Piublic A(coutits is lihy d irct'd anmd atilihorized to
receive the said layment, %ill giant to the si I llridges and
Pasilore lile 1(rillairy (lli0hi orl 01 elr evidece( of suhii pa-
menl, and the sailne, Wheii niiile, shall he ill full satisfaction and
di.chargv' of all claim of' Ihi  oiinmowealth uollnlie .said tract
of lind for the taxe.z iccrii n  tlierciin for the years aforesaid;
and the foil'nilv re aforesaid sli I thencebrward he held and
(lOife (I to b)e fully i'initted, and of no elkcl, in tile silC mniil.
nIr and to the s.aie ,xtl, l il, Iiough it had never ben de-
clare'ed or inposel:  IvtiddhioIw'n- r, 'Thit Iiothi ig herein con-
tainel hAliil he so construed ias to inpair or in any nailler af-
ect (Ile rights oftothcr persolis (if ally they hle,) claiming tilie to
tile said tract of lind derived, tiler the forfeitures aforesaid or
Aiprovedi, January 18, 1837.
Cii.li. 99.-AN ACT foir tic btieft of John A. Chism, of Monroe cunly.
IV'Ilil...9, It is represented to tie piresent tio nel', Assembly
of the Commonm 'eailth of K eniturky that .John A. Chism, of tie
coiuinty of' Mn),ro, has ori n ll;sed a  i voi: d i iiiilY slave,
who wmis then and1(I still is il I11 S alte .f T*liiiessee, heilig ig-
noralit (if the sveroi .cts of As'n' I prolihiiling the importa-
tion of s ives iito this Conlllollteiiili, iind lie liOt wishilg to
sacrilio his fceling- in ag;ii, sellig izaid iave'-Tereflre,
Be it enesrl by the G,, uera .Issen q, of h, Co,.iomwmalth of
J4a11c/U.¢, 'Tllat the sail ,John A. C.,1m be, and lie is hereby
nuthiimized anI pruniltl to brin  s:ii(I negro slave, (called
Bit, k) to this Staile,.il ady o dolig. lie is hereby Icleased from
1ll (lie paiis i(1 penalties prescrib1)ed( by .ai(f several acts of
Assembly a foresaid.
Apipro'edi, Janunry ], 1037.

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