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An Act authorizing the Executors of William H. Pepper, dec'd to sell a Slave. 1836 15 (1836)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0290 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF KENTUCKY.

CoAr. 3.1.-AN ACT allowing the Presilent of the lMatrd of lute, ual Improve.
,.ent to bo,.o, owl.                  1836.
Be it enacted bj the Gecrl, .IJssrniy o/ th Comrnmwalth oJ
Kctfuckvy, That the President of till Board of Internal lI.
provctnelt is hereby authorized to borrow of the B ink of Ken-
tucky, the Northern Bank of Kentucky, and ithe Bank of I.ou-
isville, or cither of then, upon the credit of the State of Ken-
tucky, any sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars,
at any interest not exceeding six pcr centunm per anuin; which
money is to 1)0 aplied, I),y tle said lloard, to the pa) neiit
of money now    (1d1e fi'ol the Stat, to works of il ternal
improvement: Priivieh,/, The  -aid stun !)orroived, shall lic
replaced by the Presidcnt of the Board out of (tie fitii11 for In-
ternal hImprovement, so soon as the sam. shliall be received by
the stle of scrip of the State, authorized 1)), law to be nm(de.
A pjrovtad, ])ccember 213, .1836.
CiTAr. 35.--AN AU'I' authorizing the Executors of William 11. Pepper, dec'd, to
sell it Slave.
Sec. 1. Bc it cn'tvtcd byl thc Gcn'ral m.-Is 1,nb  of the Common-  Sile to be
vealth of Kentucli, Th;It Joln Tri plelt and Joseph l)uncan, Imade lt public
of Mason county, as the executors of William    11. Pepper, auction.
dec'd(, shall be authorized to make sale of a negro woman, lucy,
who was devised 1*v the said William Ii. Pepper to two of his
children; which sale they are directed to make at public auc-
tion, for the best price that can be had, upon -iuch credit as
they may deemjust.
SEC. .  Be it/rthcr entcled, 'That before sld !xectitors are  lExecutors re-
authorized to make said sale, they are required to execute bond quirel to give
|bold€, its conldi-
before the Clerk of the Mason county corl, with good securi- tion.
ty, to be approved of by hit, payalde to tle devisees of said
slave, conditioned to hold, dipose, and dixbuirse the proceeds of
the sale of said slave, at such tim', and in such manner, as the
will of said \Villijan 1I. Pepperdirck: which bond shall be  'To Ie (le,
civiClrk oif
filed and preserved by the Clerk of the Mason county court, oity court.
and upon which thw infant de% iees  iy have remedy, in case
of a failure, upon the part ofsaid executor's, to fulfil the intent
of said will, or in case (if their ihilure to pay over the piocee(ls.
of said sale, at such time as the itifhmnt t uviee atoresaid mty
be entitled to the same.
Aipprovd, iDeeember 23, 1836.
CHAP. 3G.-AN ACT to protect tile actual settlers west of Tennessee river.
Be it enacted by the General Asscmbl of the Commonwealth
ofKetuckiy, 'That it shall not be lawful for any person or per-

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