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An Act to incorporate the City of Covington. 1833 708 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0251 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF KENTUCKY.

1834.      CHAP. 505.-AN ACT to incorporate the City of Covington,
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the GLneral Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, That so much of the
ThecityofCov- county of Campbell, as is now embraced within the
ington incorpo- boundaries of the town of Covington, and also such
rated and boun-
dary thereof,  other portions or parts of said county, adjoining to and
immediately in the vicinity of said town, as the owner
or owners thereof may desire, shall be, an] is hereby
declared to be a city, and the inhabitants thereof are
Created a body. created a body corporate and politic, with perpetual
corporate with
certain powers succession, by the name and style of the city of Coy-
-style thereof. ington, and as such by that name shall be capable in
law of contracting and being contracted with, and
suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded,
answering and being answered unto, in all courts and
places, and in all matters whatsoever; and may.have
and use a corporate seal, and change, alter and renew
the same at pleasure: Provided, however, That no part
Proviso.  of said county of Campbell shall be included within
the boundaries of the proposed city of Covington, oth-
er than that now included within the boundaries of
Additional  the town of Covington, unless the owner or owners of
land may be in-
cluded in the  the ground which may he proposed to be included
city bounds,  within the bounds of said proposed city, his, her or
their properly authorised agent, shall give his, her or
their assent thereto, in writing, on or before the first
day of April next, which said assent, in writing, shall
be properly acknowledged and recorded in the clerk's
office of the c'ou'nty of Campbell, and in the record
book of the trustees of said town of Coi:ington.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the fiscal, pru-
A mayor and  dential and municipal concerns of the said city, with
council to be  the government and control thereof, shall be vested in
elected annual-
ly.        one principal officer, to be called a Mayor, and one
city Council, consisting of eight persons, to be denom-
inated the board of councilmen; who shall be elected
for the first time, on the first Saturday in April next,
in the way that the trustees of the town of Covington
have heretofore been elected; and the Councilmen
shall hold their offices for one year, and until their suc-
A residence of cessors shall be duly elected and qualified, and the
two years ne- Mayor shall bold his office for one year, and until his
cessary before a successor shall be duly elected and qualified; all of
pereoneanbe whom shall have resided in said city two years next
elected mayor
or councilman, preceding the election, and be citizens of this state.

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