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An Act to amend an act entitled an act, to establish the town of Hartford, in the county of Ohio. 1822 52 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0129 and id is 1 raw text is: [ 52 ii
.111 AqCT to amenl all aCt enlilled an act, to
establish Me tiown Y llartfard, in tie couty tf
Approved, Nuveln,,er 15, 182-2.
Preanble.   WlEREAS tie citizens of Hart rid railed
i o ec(t I tlustees for said towni irecailhly to tle
rivishlus oii  tilhe tl', cti Which this is ill alillid-
tulit and tlie rorilt, tristees mhavilp' olle olit
ol olhe lit tlr elidill of tie ter'iU for Which they
W'rie eCected ; IIV lhoeC,
Sec. 1. Be it enaered bil the Genteral ,ss m li
Citizent    01- of 11. Canumioun'calth of 1,i'n1nrkh, That it. shall
le, trust sc: he ti dity f r all till, free wlite male. illiabi-
lhi said town tints in tile townl or iiartlord, ahive the agw of
in Decenlbcr. t 'lty-OIe years, ,til tihe Owners or hits or
iilc'els of' groiimd witmll the lihuil, o said towi
or ful age, to inehll  at tle court liiuise it said
town oil tle secoil Miondlay in DIeceluher next.
aill elect seven lit  e'rsos hieing citizeis aid
inhabitants Ihereol. as ti listees Ili lhe l'iWl of
Ilartord, l'lio shll coitiu; i llice uilil the
first Monday ii Septelither next.
Clerk of coon-  Sec. e. It shall le the duty ol' th c'lek of
ty  COllrt 10 t co
give notice Of [a C(IIy c(Iu' t    Sf i( l couty to a(lvertise
.cCtih) al Said election at the Coi't house (lOOl, two
to cmiduct tile weeks pi'viois to ti elc tioi, aintd it shall l)e
.=:line.    his dilty to conduct tile said elect ion, and notify
tle Seve  iiavin, the hi.iiest     oriiher of votes
ther'eol, and also i'ltti to theii at their fhist
lk to be in  itng  true statement of tile pills of said
rcodl.  to  election, which shall lie rIecoidel in a Ilmok to
lie kept Flo' Ilhat Jiill iose--idil all filture 'etui'mis
shall lie reorded in li!e manner.  The dlerk
fon- the dties required of him by this act, shall
Allowmicc.  le lloweId a reasonable (Olipeilsat ion  iy f lile
'USteea'i Inot ex(cet-dil two dollars li' day.
Sec. 3. That time qiualilliel voters as alo'esaid
shall mect ol the first Monday in September
Ainnial elc- auillilly, and elect seven lit ie'sons is aillre-
onit   Se. saidd, as trustees for said town, Who sliall cou-
temLer.     tillu  in olice until the, first Miollday ill Septeli-
her thein inext ensuing, and until their succes-
sors arC diuly elect'd and qualilied.

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