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Resolutions having for their object the preservation of harmony between this State and the adjoining non-slaveholding States. 1821 470 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0125 and id is 1 raw text is: (  4     )
4. ilesolved, That the (ommoiuveafi's lBank oumght to ('011.
tintet moderate calli oi its debtors : ad !!l ajter the first
day of Au gust Uixt, the ippcr olraid banlk mu.ght to he gad-
Alally dininijished. at 'tle rat  oI1 at least t\% el'a pei ceptunk
per '1iinll, and te' ilnted in the hiank  until ie said biak
shall c)liI ce' *p, ) it  Spitie  f6   its ilotei,  ql ,
5. 16i'solrld, 'i'hat the biaiclhex ,ll' 11w ank or Kentucky
ougllt t ieceive ind, I',. lola te lip ape r lit tie I ank or the Colmil
ilonweahli' Kelitucklie y, ulil the siie tir-lls i did (liiiithii
Tht May be adoh1itad aild puirsied ait apilv thie ly'lithe ptihcipal
bank  ind ii case, of ruiilil. ol, ireInsail by aniy.b'aftich to do
so, it shall le ttie duty lif the iricti ory. 0Said ptt'i tcilpul bank,
forthwith to withdraw stjcl ne ii anch ; a  ii pill such witih.
dr4yatl.ii to  'ilisler the h s, niothes, aliclionts and Ct-T1ctj
thereol to the branch lincacst'that whicih is witldy'awl.
Resolutions hivi,,foi their obj'ect the preservettian of harnitil2y
between  this  taLtC (il(! hic atdjoiin,  nou.savehoflding
WHEREAS nany 'caes have occt'rd,' ii relation to
slaves wio have (-sra-led trI'o0h1 their, mviW' s ill this State, and
have 4cen Found ill the. aillijohilg states which do- not hold
slaves. calcnliatcd to disttttlI that htariony which it iN 1 ill-
te'est of the citizuls or those, states ani o tlhii coIiiillioll\wealth
to cultivate alid ljit'lo e towallis eah It liei' ; aind it is til
Nvish of iliclieisihilill or this wtate, Ito ust Ce (l'y iiulilln in iIs
piowe' if' 1WC'l'mit the t'elllII(IE , idIch Si llssP. ill fitire ; anid
it A denied pii iticalle,  i'rvi;ioi o!' thIe laws it lhis state
I  ivtioiill sla's,,  11iid  01' tile  haw   il'  ihe  alitlljllln,   n li-
,ilaliolding. stA'5s hi rv~latininito lh lIthlli oll hI(   w .l to
slac. %oio Iiaty Colli alltilg theill, escaplig 'i-ni their owi-
ci,. so to f'io tilhe l\vs 31dlle re cltive states, as will, ill
a g'eit. degrvl.t, ii itl d clirely, obviatea lie icoln leni Cens
whi ;chllow,,exist : N11l1'eirol'ore,
Pitsol'ved hit fie Greitil .'3simul.b rf te Co(T inwiiealth of
Ketuckyj; 'ihat tihe .govrl'mw olt'his state he rieflested to cor.
re'i-(3oIld \% ilh the llvetS. 3d h, adjoinilltg states ot Ohio,
lnidJaa witl Illinois, ili itiig their alttentiot to this ,tbjcct,
and thrmonih Ihem. t lie leggu:iitmtes of those sldaes, with a re-,
qiest that lc ey iii uilhl'tiise the aplintidtlel or oiei o' two
C01ii IiiisOllil's IIl'Oill Fm  eith slate. to3 i liet Sich (oliii i)tiie' or
Conilalissioiie's as shall be alpoited Oil tile palt of this state,

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