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An Act for the better regulation of the Towns of Carlisle and Springfield. 1821 375 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0121 and id is 1 raw text is: ff75 I
S. S. Ten d1nys' previous mofice sball he giv. Is c.ays'notice
oil of the stated elections, -wlich mhiall be Co1. o'f eictions to
dict'ted, he first time, hy John grml 14 and .,p be.givn.  ,
thid Dittlhy, who shall .ivt to the peIt' Ols ('Ct- lle Ufliions as
,4d a cerltiicate of tleir electioli, w hi l ,ihtall 1W t,, th, ,u,,,,!eof
(ill(tied oll the record hook ; atit( all soill' - lle ,  CI dlcti di e
,  '  tle  i      . r.-t &  01l sup.
elettions  slitll hv  (o'iduh td  t1) Ilic  C 'iltiur  ,ll ,  f1, Ce  i l o-
the hoad ofi trus tees. Alld iii cas' v of a l'aiihe ito ti ci.
]told al e, cloio  on the first M-miday il March
in ailly )Cal', the tltt l'S ilu llice shall appilit
.another day for the electiorn. aind lha e ntiiice giv.
el as aforesaid.
Sec, 4. lit trustees so electil, ()I a mljft'ily Tr,,tee., mxy
.of thei, sh~all [h ate |it ti{) lmako such rildesa nod rke ntiks ami
r e    u:  l i,i .s  fo r  th e  lp i 'v se r \'a tio ln  a n d~  g mo e rlm lle l t  r ~g l aion s.
of the sail Id ho ilse (if %N1 ip. its they may thi ik
proli amd t'jedient : l',,vided, howrver, that P.ovia.
lieh shall nou .'aut the exchlsihe ri.hl to ally
sect or denominion oi' t liistiaii m hatevtr. to
perl'oi(l diie service 1l, 'eini for a greater
i.enli.1ih of ti'me than one i abbath iiin each mnlih.
S c. 5. hIle tiustees so eletl'eI shall  %ave pow. T'rtees MR.
el to sell! all) of the ies,.  terein which iiw re. sell pews and
Tlai ii iisoli, aild, up,,1n applic atiol. to grall cer C'l, et cf rt1-.
tilicates of o\ u ership to each perisoi \%0ho has eCiship
beretofore purchsed aid paid for? a piw. qr may
Jicieaer do so. And tile ,.ui.stpes shall keep a To keep a
booik, in which the names oif' the pe\wholders. and bonk of trans-
'rs .nd po.
lhe cirtifivates of ownership and Iratisftrs slhall ceedingsoftc
be registered, tog('thei' with all other orders tru-tces.
made by the said trustees ; w lich shall Ile free
fIo the inspectioi of the general assemlhy, and
all elher persons who may require the same.
lixnP. CCXCIX.
,#A ,CT for the better repattlion of the Towns nf
earlisle and Spri-fieitdl.
Approved December 19,1821.
Sic. 1. BE it enacted by the General Jissemlibl The Imnstee-
the Commonweal It of l'nittcky, That it shail nfCarish, may
and  In aIi  I ' tl ul  fo l. th e  tru'stees  of  the  to %% n  of  t gx'o a ll .m
~arli~le, in the cuunty of Nicholas, to lay a tax ty thrin.

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