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An Act to regulate certain Towns in this Commonwealth. 1818 641 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0095 and id is 1 raw text is: CIIAV. CCCXLVII.
At& ACT concerning the Town of hrecusburg.
Approved January 28, 1819.
IE it enacted bil the Gnaeral Assembly of the ;rrustees my
Coinmolwcealth of IcentnCkgl, 'I'hat the Irmustres (if rY alndco
the tow u or Greouslimng, bh., and they :uk, hereby taxes.
authorised to levy and collect the s1m of three
lumldred and fifty dollars, amittally, on the per-
sons and prOperty ill the town of 6retasbur3, in
addition to the soin uow allowed by law ; to be
levied, collected alul applied iuithe same mainer
as is directed by an act approved December ite
21st, 1815, entitled  an act rettlatit ' t~tu towni
of Greensburg.
Alt ACT to irgntate certain Tmwns in this Coln-
Approved January 28, 1819.
Sc. 1. BE it enacted bly the lcacrat .Isseublyf Powers grant.
otf he ComimlncealW  f R'ntucky, Tiat winever ed the trtistees
file trustees of Georgetown  al   ish to op)m oIGeorgetown
any  street  or  alloy, t'th lo I  auy  part oflthe ill to  open  :ud
inake streetsU
or out lots of said tuwI, a:ll alpplicalion shall be aeys.
miadle to them for that puriose, it shall be lawful
for said trustees tordirect their hluairm~an to issau proecedhnags
his order, in the nature of a writ of ad qiton dulam- neceessary in ro
lation th'~rcto,
imi, directed to the sherifl'o Scott coullty con-la
manding him to summon twelve liitsc-keepurs of
said conty, to meet on the ground where said
street or alley is proposed to Ie ollenIed, ad oi
a day to be. naanud in said order ; and the said
pe'rols So suimmneucd shall be snizjec:t to the same
rules, and governed by- the samue  iitihcille.s, aid
sworn ill the same muanmer' as other Juries ill
sitilar cases ; and it' aty of the personis sosmn-
loitetl shall fail to attend, withmit a reaslmaill
emcc.se, they shall tic snilJect to the saine fiues atw
otherjuries in similar cases, and the deficicemev
olmliplied rrom the by-staniders ; amid any persot
.whose grotum wilt U ab Acted in any matner by

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