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An Act to amend an act, entitled, An act subjecting Lands to the payments of Debts 1797 182 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0027 and id is 1 raw text is: ( 182. )

lowed for colleing,.accounting for and paying the faid -taxes
impofed by this atd into the treafury of this commonweahth, rte
Ibm of five per centum on the money fo colleded by them or'any
of them; and they are hereby required to account for, and pay
In what manner, into the treafury aforefaic, rome time in the month:of November
and when clerks ate
todet heiracloest in every year, all money recolved by them purluant to this aCt ;
of taxes andpa, in- and that the amount of the faicd taxes may be juffly afaertained,
tothetreaqry,  the faid clerks (hall make out a fair accovnt yearly. prior to .the
firfl day of November, of the thums received by them   refpet-'
ively purfiant to this ad; which account the clerk flail deliver
to the county court that flalJ be held in the month of November
or December, and makce oath that -it contains a true and perfed
flatement or all monies received by hi~i on accoaunt ofche public;
and the court flail order the fame..tp, be certified to the a u ditor,
who fhall thereupon fettle with the lexk -agreceable ;o fuch. ac-
count. . very clerk failing to render fuch acco.unt, or failing to
pay into the treaffiry the u m which he (hall thereby appear tobe
indeW!e ,to.the ftate by. fuch account,fiall, for every Rich offence,
Penalty fr fjai. fbrfelltind pay the fum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered
lure.        by motion of the auditor in the fime manner as is.hereby direted
Sherif to deliver to be ufed againt delinquent fheriffs. ;And lie flierill-(hall deli-
to each perfon./orm ver to each perfon from whom taxes fhail, be received or  olile.-
voliom he receives tax-
es, a lift of his tax- ed, a liif of his taxable property taken from the copy of.the coni-
able properly, &. miflioner's books in his hands, With an.'account of the tax. payable
 When hepaysmo- and due upon each article in fuch lift; and everyjtriff$ when-
ey into the treafury ever he fhd4l pay any ILum of money into the.treafuiry flial, within
Jhalil te treitandr
tak;e receipt a,,,d three days' thereafter, lodge the treaflirer's, receipt -with the audi-
Lodge it with the au-
ditor, &c.   tor, antd takela recelpt 'from. the. auditor therefor;+ which receipt
of the treafurer,, the auditor is hereby required .apd dlitced to
Whof'htall enter fuch
receqtinboe.  enter in a bookto be byhim kept for that purpof, and in the
fame manner he hflall enter in his receipt book, the treaifrer's re-
ceipts for all monies paid into the treafiry by non-refidents or
their agents.
This'ad hall commence and be in force from and after the
pafiage thereof.

An ACT to amend an ag, entitled,  An:atl fubjeding LANIs to-the
payment of DEBTS.
(PASSE'l. FERkUARY 28th, 1797.)
Courts of quarter  § . BE it enataed ky the ganeral afembly, That the courts of
frifons to appoint quarter-feflions in every county flhall appoint five perfons as com-
comra/lioners; their miffioners in theircounty, Whofe duty it flhal! be %ihen called on
duty.         by the flheriff to afcertain tl value of any tra& or parcel of land
which may be taken by execution; and no-trt &or parcel of land
flhall be fold by virtue of any execution, unlers.the price for which
No land to lefold it is fold is at leafl three-fourths of its value in the opinion of the
unte/sJor A of itt va-
lte.          cormiffioners, any tfhree of whom flhal be fufficient to fix or af-
certain the value of the land : Provided always, that land (hall not
Land not to lie be taken by execution for debt or damages, if there be flaves or
taken  if  perlonal.
p ,o erty cati be 'had. perbional property fbfficient to pay the debt or damages, uidefs
Un fs defendaht the defendant fliould requeft that his land may be taken inflead
requeft it.   of the other property ; in which cafre, if he produce to the fheriff
In which cafe if he                            .ouIes
trove his title,Jeri levying the execution, hficient vouchers, or milke other proof
dlhallrcewiveit,¢i . iflicient to fitistf, faid flieriff that he has a rioit to the land fn
tendered inflead of the other property, .h G.cLhill receive it, and

I     It     I                  -                                         i         I                                                                    I             i

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