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An Act concerning Tithables, and directing the mode of laying and collecting the county Levy. 1797 151 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0023 and id is 1 raw text is: -,Ag-:Ac conccrnig Ti .r IiAB L Es, and direcling the mod11of layig and
eot kfiiig the county. LEVY.
(PAS;BD MAPaOH Ifl, 1797.)
~ .BE i t eitaled b'y r& eienerO aisenbly, That all1 male-perfons  Who ]hall b
Of the age offfixteen years and upwards, and all female flaves of edit ot to.
the age of ftxyeen years and -pwards,  all be, and theyare here-
1by d&laredto be tithable, and chargeable for defraying the le-
vies, except fuch 01ny as tle county courts may by reafon of age,
inflirmity, or other charitable reafons, exempt from the payment
of public taxeS.-
. a The comi-niffionersofth e taxwithin the feveral coU'nties of Thcomm
this comMonwealth flialland they are hereby required and empowv- ,o.f the ta
:--~ ~ ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   : .... .               i -: 5    :.-  .  j  ~ of titnab
rexed at the fame period in each year in which they are colleffitg
lifts ofthe taxable property in their r4epedIve difirids, under the
-idt, entitld,    An ad to amend aid reduce into one, the feveral
-As eflabhlifiing a permaneit revenue, to demnan. .from each
perfon being tithable, or having in lhs or her poffeflion fuch as are
tithable, a written lif of fuch as are tithable perfons in his or
her family; which liff the ftid eommiflioners refpeccively -fhall
arrage n a olun, t bebi  referved for. that purpdfe in.
his, book of f  xatle property. A nd where any perfon or perfons  Tithaes
ffalfettli hi Mfelf in a iy conntyi-anyoft'heyears inwbich bytlhe tred zth
ofthe court,
Iid tecited'at no Commiflioner, is dirted to take in his lift of taizcafm
.tabe proper y, it-(hal' be the duty.of fuch perfon to -enter all
thp  erfousbeloncging-t 6iJs fail fubjed tothe payment of the
couity liy, With ctlekrk of the court in the fame manner in.
whiclihe is direted to eniter his lift of property, and fhall be fub-
jed to the faiie penalty for a negledf; which lift it fhall be the
duty of the' clerk'to return to the court at the time of laying the
kvy fior ruhl cou nty.
3The -afer or owner of a fam;ly', or in his orherabfence or  MAfle,
non-refidmne -t the plantati n, his .r her agent, attorney, or fam.iliesto,
llo ~..                   ,  -  -. :)    I -  I  . , .  Itfls  ofth eir
overfer, thal at t nree a ppOinted by this adt, ina lift under his and d{ivtr
or her                     ...iddeliv.er, or caufo tobe delvered to the cornmiflion- the cor 0m
.er oft Ithe rtx for that d~ifrift, the'nil-es and v1ur .bers of all titha- th t Lx.
bles bildig in; or-ielonging  to hi or her family, the ninth day
of March precdiug the time of delivering, in fuch lift, or the
ma     ownr thereof; orii cafe of his or her abfence, or non-re-
fidenee, thoyerfeer  all beidjiided--a concealer of fuch, and  Pen olyfo
'offb, man y tithabks afhall not belifted or given in; and for there'.
ev~iy jtihapeffbn flo concealed, fiall.forfeIt and pay five uln-
-dre-d oiiisdf tobacco, one moiety forthe ufe Of the county  to-.
'Wrd leffle'niutbd l.vy thereofand the other Lmoiety 'to the ufe
ofth'e   ripbr to be recovered by affion of debt or informatiotn
id anYrcoUrt of record. An. when any overfeer fliall fil to lift
the ithablcs On any laniation'whereon e is overfeer, the mafter
or '-own  r hall h4' fubjed to the payment 'oftheir levies in the
tn iantiee ps they would, have been~ if they. bad been- lifted.;
Ahd if any-coyiiffioner of'Ehc tay fhall not truly lift and enter ,Pealty
the hames and' numlers of h~s own tithables-in that difrid or f.fion of
lilting Aii'l
c6unty' for which'he is app~ited,, hefliall forfeit .and pay one
ti.oufand poutidsof tobaccoitto be recovered and applied as afore-
fald . Provided.-always, tht il y ownetr oroverfeer flhail happen> PTOVJ1.o
Tby fickhel  iother!ife, to omit delivering his or:her lift to the'
fir-ii       of thettax a the-me tlielae may be required, it
* 1hMI b6 'wflifich perfon to fend his or her lift tQ the houife

e dem-
to take
to be en.
he clerk
in er-

or;: of
iakc -out
them to
zoner 4


on Co-
itax no

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