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An Act for the better regulation of the town of Paris, and vesting the Trustees with additional powers. 1797 149 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0022 and id is 1 raw text is: (_149)
as may appear due to eac' of the faid veni'e andvitnefes and the
Iheriffs.  This a& fhall commence and be in force from and after
the paffage thereof.
A A CT for the better regulation of the town of PARIS, and vefling
'the Trufleer with additional pqwers.
(PAssn :. FBRVARY 27th, 1797.)
z .BE it ena led by the general affetnbly, That each freeiolder,  Sem trufees to le
houfe-keeper and free male inbabitant of the town of Paris, aged ekled and by whom.
twenty-one years (other than free negroes and Imulattoes) who
have refided in faid'town for the fpace of. fix months, are hereby
:iuthorized to ele& and choofe by ballot annually, feven truflees:
for which purpofe,
2!. Be it enaIled, That an eledion fhall be held at the court-  Time and laces,
houffe in the faid town, by one' of the truftees thereof to be ap- of holdingthe eali.
pointed by. the board for that purpofe on the firf Monday in
Narch annually, ten days previous notice being advertized by the
chairman of. the faid board, in the moft public places in the faid
town ; an'dthe perfons fo ele&ed fhall be returned to the clerk of
the faid beard, to be recorded in books to be by them kept for
that purp   .                   f
§  . 3-   k lled  by the  a   f          n             - befel'.
be epabof eingeletedto aa as a irriftee who has not refided  'uflee-
NuiAll  0bTi tonx monts and who is, not a freeholder and
ziilfuhablianb of the fi'i4-,town; and that Vacancies occ~afion ed by  Varancies how to
death, refignaton orotherwife,. fhall be fupphied by eledions, to befied.
be made in 'anner herein 'before direced, on a day to be ap-
-pinted by, theyermaining truftees; and that a return thereof be
madi to ,the cerk of the falid board In the manner hercin before
.§ 4.- Andbe it fur.;her.enalled, That the faid truftees, and their  Trnfler may im-
.Ud:cefors'.or a tnijority of them, ihall have power to impofe taxes P/' Lax.
Mot excqednng fixty pounds annually on the 'ithables and real For wAdtpurptoe.
property iithin the faid town, for the purpofe of paying. a clerk
to, thefala truftees, procuring record books, and for fich pur-
pofeto.bt. appropriated toward.the regulation of the faid town,
Os they, or a majority of them, may think proper and; right, and
to mpake provifion and. regulations for colleingand accounting  And mrakerovi.
fqr the taxesf~mpofed, by appointing a co lkor and diredn     fion for Co4  i it.
a diflrefs to be made for delinquencies, and by any other ways
n4 mearis, and to make fich other ordinances, regulations and
l     ,laws, not contrary to the laws and conffitution of this com-
i1nwealth, as fhall by a majority of them be. thought neceflary
tor the regulation of the laid town, and for carrying this a& into
,ompleat effect.
B 5.,!e it.further enalled, That whenever a truflee fball-ceafe to  What diuaUfie,
be afreeholder or inhabitant as aforefaid, he. fhall thenceforward atf .
le confioered as difqualifiled, and another truflee fhall be eleted
inlis flead:; and thait immediately after every annual election of
truftees direded by this4a, the powers of their predecefors fhall
ceafe, and the truflees fb ele&ed (hall be put in poffeflion of the
property, papers and records which the truftees whom they fuc-
ceded lhadpofleflion nf. And the trufitees elected by this ad, *Powers f th ruf.
lal ipofrefs and exerelfe the fame powers and authority as now tel.
are vrfld in the truftees of the faid towu by any law for efta-
ifhldng or regulating tho fame.

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