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An Act to amend and reduce into one, the several acts regulating the town of Lexington and for other purposes. 1796 111 (1796)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsky0019 and id is 1 raw text is: (   mi   )
thereof into ihe lbd-ofice,' was. not 'ffficlent to compTy with
the p5yrpofes thereof; and applIcation-hath been made to the af-
fembly to extend'the tirae; B&it therefore enafled, that the further
time of two years,to be computed from the expiration'of this.pe-
riod mentioned. in the aidiecited, ad, flhall be allowed for re-
turning all plats and CertIfir.tes of furveys on the weftern waters
tothe regifler of the landcfice, who fhall receive the fame, and
fuch lnds flvill not -be conficlered as forfeited -or liable to fortei.
turel aiylaw:to th6'contrary thereof notwi thftandi ng,.

Further   aiMe to
return plils and cer-

zAnz AcT 'io

ariztcd and 'reduce into 'one, -the fiveral ags regulating the
bown o LEX.IN'CTo  and/or other vpt'poJes.

(PAssz'D DECimiZR  1.9th, 1796.)
'BE ii enated by the gene'ral amb/y, That it (hall and may be See efru/7eesto
law'fuil fortlhe 'freel61ders,:'houlkeepees; 'and free male inhabit-anua/yeted,
ants of 'the town cf Lexirhgto n, in TIhe cuun'ty of Fayette, and
thOfe Within one mile of the ?cobUrt-hotife of the fiiid town, other
than free negroes and mitlatt'des, who ha ve refided therein for
the fpac~ .of fix months, gnd 'ivh6 pfIfA.in their own right within
tdie Lid town and limits  fdrefaid, prperty of the value of twen-
ty.five pounds, to eled and 'hul1 Aniiually on the fiRft Saturday
in Jantary,  feven truflees, which eeeion fhall 'h6 onduded by  Tow the rdetion
onc of the late or then 'Uing tuftees, to be a'poihnted by th:e ;o.ducta,.
boaid; for that.'pi-p06fe, anrd held at the €Ourt-houfe ; ten days
previ6'is notic. 'the e'6f .fh l be .adv''rt'tred' in the noft pulblic
plaicr in the Thid tov~n by'the ichAirman of the late-or then ading
tri'ufeek; and tie i'&tiirn'oX the i-e)fon'S,el' ted nall be made to
the clerk of th'efaid board,wheh Tfliall be 'icorde 'n t heir books.
.N N poerfoW flall b6 capable fbeing.eleded or of aingr w o iay le a
as tr bflie, who is -lot Afreehlder or inhabi.ifta of -the faid tow n trly c.
or ,th&-Ai-Mits aforefaid ';  fliall iany i'iihifit'at of the Thid town
or liiiits afori~faid, be capahbe ofbinj'ppoited, or of ating as
a fur-Veyor of any road w.vthbiite faid thwn'oi- linits aforeLhid.
j.3. Vacancies oecafioned by deah,            on   '
i Vild, fhal  e 4 fib       t  difqua'lifica tio  oroi r-   t'aancies how to
WM; 'fhall b  -fiipplled by eledions'to be made in ranner hepedtd.
before d4ire~ed,i ona d'ay to.be ao in ted by ,tle-r~eraining'.truf-
tees, andturn th6ebf miti& ihrmanner 'hereit dire',edi before.
14. The faidtriiftees and th:dr 'tfiew effors, or a iajority of  Powers of the
.heni; iaWlhive pbov6r tOiere& a kii tk- hlue or matrket-hou:fes erulees.
iii' the' &idt6wii; t6' apdinta t&,k 'Of th 'thArket,. ad *prC Rribe
,die   tbiiegiti~te~pind repair 'thb fi-reb  and high ways in 'he
faid town, to make provifion foi;the :bl'l&tng arid accodtixnd
for-hetxs.'dtI~y,,re  ei~i'iwerd by this'a, to 'levy, .by appoint-
ii.a .eoledo . af'ddikeCi diffrefi to 'be made-for ilelinquet-
eIs bi lST anyi ohtl*&'WAys ahd.meinis;and to ,n'ake-'fidi ordi-
aneesL aid regti'itffois 't-t ,ebnctry ioy tbothe laws and co nffituti6d.
6f tis o.W6Bd ih weaIth, As Iial' by &'mjori~y of.rm-be thou, hb
'~   ..r ..                 0        t  C  'tlOu&
A6ee6fhry fdr cartyig ths t-ib L htto 'ef&; aI'd fornalty
h6 bi ach, dfany bf the Paid',i,, h. fs- not   edhgt'a furn of
t64'l4is, td be iecove&d i' 'the fiit-6f -  trufleA&s:in 'the -Ime
manner as fums of th.e like a-moimnt are uibw recoverab e b law,.
Prb1idedalWIa thatbefore -aiy bye law6r'O dinance'ena&ed by  Provy.
6,h4eM666ftte thd faid to~wn hail ,hav anyperation,.it (hall -be
dVeteWd f6I,6& Wo*eks Ciccklti  y'ii  .fritentucky,'azette or

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